Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Power of Love | Judith Kusel

(Golden Age of Gaia)

The Power of Love.

It is the open heart and unconditional love which knows only One, Unity, which is lifting souls through.

In Oneness, duality and division cannot exist.

Love is the absence of fear.

For Love only sees and experiences The One.

You are within me.

I am within you.

Divinity lives within.

When you own inner self is in chaos and fear and division this what you will attract more of. For what is within, is without.

When your inner self is in harmony and peace and filled with unconditional love and embracing your full Divinity, you will see this reflected everywhere outside of you.

As within, so without.

As above, so below.

Love is omnipresent.

As Masters we fully embrace The Power of Love and the Power of One and live this.

Judith Kusel