Friday, December 17, 2021

The First Order of Magic | Catherine Viel

By Catherine Viel, December 17, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

December 16, 2021

Be bold. Find your magic. Chase the impossible. ~Devney Perry

I really want instant manifestation, and I really want it…now.

Fervently desiring something, and attempting to manifest it out of thin air (for example by commanding myself to heal, as someone recently suggested), sounds both ludicrous and obvious.

Ludicrous, because I can request healing in the belief that it will work, but then nothing appears to change. Not instantly, or even in a day, a month, or a year. It seems apparent that the request didn’t create wellbeing, despite what felt like absolute belief.

Obvious, since I believe universal law states that we can manifest anything we want (as well as unintentionally manifest things we don’t want). We are powerful creator beings, and our reality is ours to shape as we wish.

Not only that, on some internal level, I’m quite sure it’s the only way things are. I really can tell my body to cure those arthritic bones. And while we’re at it, let’s deep-six the wrinkles, saggy skin, and unbecoming grey hair. I’d like to look thirty again, please, or another iteration of me altogether. Not just Catherine 2.0 but the fun version I’ve always secretly longed for.

Perhaps we’re not 5D enough yet to instantly manifest anything (or at least, I’m not!). It’s my understanding that manifestation does work in the third dimension, but because of our density, it can take a looooooonnnng time to happen. When our wish shows up twenty or thirty years later, the original attempt at manifestation is long forgotten and seems completely unconnected with our good fortune.

Naturally, it’s tempting to blame this failure to be “cured” on myself. My vibration is too low, I don’t meditate… there are many ways to find fault. More advanced spiritual practitioners apparently bring the force of their will and sovereignty to bear, and positive, serendipitous things happen. What do they know, or do, that I don’t?


Janine commented recently, “We ARE the med beds.“ That declaration, which she wholeheartedly believes, stuck with me. (1)

If we ourselves are the med beds, if I am my own healer and physician and purveyor of all things wellness, why do I not feel abundantly healthy and well? I indisputably have an industrial-strength desire to be well in every possible way. And I’ve certainly made many and varied efforts over the last six or seven years to create excellent health.

Some might suggest that I didn’t ask the right way or have enough faith—or perhaps that I need not believe, but simply know, as it’s said spiritually advanced people do. Alternatively, it just isn’t time to be free of pain. It’s in my soul contract to suffer longterm pain and/or I’m balancing karma.

Any of that is possible, and if this is a soul contract or incomplete karma, there’s probably not a damn thing I can do about it.

It seems unlikely, but perhaps I am, in fact, perfectly well. I just don’t recognize it because my body’s condition doesn’t represent my human vision, wish, or understanding of what it means to feel vibrantly healthy and overflowing with wellbeing.

Okay, I kind of doubt that’s true. I can’t imagine any place, other than hell, where pain is the preferred norm.


I’ve also got a large element of “Why bother?” going on. Why should I make a monumental and possibly fruitless effort to manifest pain-free-ness, when outside forces are going to massively shift things anyway, reputedly very soon? We’re supposed to shift into the realm of truth and peace and wellness for everyone and everything on the planet. (2)

As Janine also noted in her December 6 video, she understands that while she fully believes she is her own med bed, some people feel they are too far gone to fix up their bodies through willpower alone. And for them, of course, there’s the med beds.

I haven’t quite put myself into the camp of being “too far gone,“ but perhaps that really is how I feel. At what point do I throw in the towel and say, “I can’t do it”? When do I give up trying to heal with Reiki and higher vibrational help, or, for the last six months, the Emotion Code? Or even the more prosaic healing modalities like chiropractic or other options in the Western as well as energetic and alternative panoply. There must be a point after X number of months or years of diligent effort that it becomes apparent, it just ain’t gonna happen.

When do I instead pin my hopes on the ever-elusive appearance of the med beds? I know I’m not the only one waiting for them, along with other game-changers like the ever-elusive Event. Not to mention the truth coming out about the 2020 election and the related Covid fiasco, and particularly the vaccine genocide campaign.

Anytime soon would be much appreciated, dear White Hats. Our esteemed California governor has declared a statewide indoor mask mandate through January 15. (Happy Christmas, everyone! Be sure to keep social distance, too.) I do realize it’s a mild form of authoritarian control compared to places that are really being subjected to medical totalitarianism like Austria and Australia.

Requiring masks is a reprehensible mandate. Many parts of the world are being handed Russian-roulette-style suicide cocktails in the form of mandated vaccines. I should, and do, count my lucky stars that I’m living in Totalitarian Lite.


Janine notes in many of her videos that we are magical beings. That is one reason why humans have been repressed and manipulated for millennia.

Since my presence on this planet supposedly signals that I agreed to be here at this turbulent time, I’d like to find a better coping mechanism than pain-filled endurance.

Magic actually sounds pretty appealing.

The first order of magic for me is to drum up some Christmas spirit. It’s been in short supply in this house. Given the hyped-up dates that come and go without much apparent progress toward Light, I won’t fault myself for feeling irritable. The game-post–shifting scramble got old for most of us, I’m sure, at least a year ago.

All I can change is myself, that hoary old chestnut of a truism. Shift things into wellness, happiness, generosity, and joy. Presto change-o, make it so!

Which reminds me of Jean-Luc. I’m not too proud to ask for energetic help from a 1980s TV show universe, since I think it more accurately depicts reality than much of what I would see presented on the nightly news.

It worked for Picard. Surely I can borrow a little of his magic, since I believe it is the nature of magic, like Light, like Love, to be in a never-ending supply, always available to all who seek it out.

Make it so, indeed!

(1) Tarot by Janine, 12/6/21,

(2) Tarot by Janine, 12/16/21,