(Golden Age of Gaia)
December 1, 2021
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As the year is nearing its end, many are wondering if traditional religious services and festivities with family and friends ever will be like they once were.
Yes indeed, dear family, absolutely you will be able to enjoy all of this season’s celebrations without mandated restrictions and requirements, and, with recent developments, it could well be holidays in your new calendar year. [Is Matthew saying “enjoy this year” or “enjoy next year”? It sounds like “next year.”]
The very beginning of this strong possibility was almost 90 years ago, when God authorized some powerful civilizations to beam light to Gaia so she could jar her planetary body loose from deep third density and embark upon an ascension course. It was her desire that her entire population advance spiritually and consciously so they could go with her into higher astral planes.
Back then, most of her civilization were slumbering in what was familiar, but as volunteers from spiritually evolved worlds started incarnating on Earth, the light they radiated added to the light being beamed from afar stirred some people “to see the light” and awaken. As time passed, others did, too, then more and more and still more.
But a goodly number of souls adamantly kept refusing the light. Gaia sadly concluded that she could not wait for them to give up their preference for darkness and, heartened by the millions upon millions who were embracing the light, she kept her pace steady toward her destination in high fifth density. As energy surges propelled the planet into successively higher planes, gradually the pace increased.
This brings us to your last two years. What happens on Earth affects the entire universe, and what Gaia and her peoples around the world have been enduring has emanated low vibrations and adversely impacted other worlds. The Illuminati’s recent action was the last straw, so to say, and additional civilizations started beaming massive amounts of light to Earth so everything can occur faster. Thus, karmic lesson completion, truths emerging, resolution of conflicts, corruption uprooted, and circumstances lining up like dominoes to remove all remnants of darkness are in high acceleration.
That many distant civilizations now are intervening in a process that will benefit them is neither self-serving nor denying Earth’s peoples the right to manifest the kind of world they want. It is God’s response to Gaia’s request for world transformation to come more swiftly so her peoples can live freely, joyously, peacefully and harmoniously, be nourished in body, mind and spirit, and all their needs supplied in abundance. That is what her peoples want, too.
The inpouring of light will enlighten and embolden the masses who believed the blatant lies about the “pandemic.” They will start joining the people who are heeding the honest medical specialists and refusing to be vaccinated or wear immunity-weakening masks and they are protesting lockdowns. The loss of God-given and constitutional rights is nearing the boiling point, and what is upcoming can rightfully be called the peoples’ revolution against evil.
Since the Illuminati’s laboratory-made coronavirus failed to cause billions of deaths, they have been making fortunes from covid tests and solutions falsely called vaccines; and, aided and abetted by mainstream media, politicians and scientists in their ranks and those they control are claiming covid variants have become part of life so even infants need to be vaccinated. However, their dark agenda always has called for much more than satisfying avarice and power over the populace, and recently they released another, stronger, lab-manipulated virus to do what the coronavirus didn’t.
Our September 2020 message includes information that virus transmitted to a highly evolved soul we know well. That dear soul shared with us the following message she received from the new virus:
November 8, 2021
“Hello. Thank you for speaking to me today. I have been waiting for you, as the call was sent out for this conversation. It’s an important one.
“You were told that I am here now, released this season as the next in the line, a virus created again in the image of darkness. Even more so, as the dark forces are desperate to keep their control. They want to keep their domination of the planet and its people intact. I was created to go deep in the dark. To wound, to kill, to snuff out much of humanity.
“But, yet again, this will not come to pass. The Light has infiltrated their plan once more, the same as what happened with the other virus strains. As the Waves of Light poured into my dark blueprints, I was lightened, changed, alchemized. I am still quite intense for some people and still sending some home if it’s part of their life plan to leave, but not the mass of people I was created to kill. I have a different purpose and energy signature now.
“And I am different from the other viruses, as I have been released at a very different time on the planet compared to when they were released. The energy is so different now compared to only a few years ago. There is more Light and more people carrying that Light, and my job will be different as it will be more about awakening.
“I will be cleansing bodies and fields of their old patterns, wiping the slate clean so they can become new. Not an easy process, and oh, the human body of some will indeed suffer through the power-wash I deliver; yet others will experience a lighter dose of cleansing through my touch. And then there will be those dear souls who choose to leave their bodies behind. However, even in their leaving, they will become more Light. All is by agreement.
“The ones who stay and run the course of my illness, those folks will never be the same. Their evolution will be served as they dance in more Light! And oh, the dark ones don’t like this at all. Not one bit do they like this! Their dark plan has been changed once more by the Light. And even more so because, through me, these humans are changed. Cleared of the old, they will wear a corona of Light! An initiation. A path to a higher truth. Though it’s certainly not an easy time for the initiates as my energy can feel so heavy, but certainly not the dark plan seeded on the Earth. It will not bear the fruit it was intended to do. Those poisonous plans will not come to fruition. Eventually all the poisons will disappear from the Earthly experience and there will only be Light!
“Thank you for listening to me today. Have heart that no matter what you see rolling out this season, things are not as they seem. But of course, you know that. And whenever you hear of someone who has invited me in and they are struggling, send them Light. Send them Love. And send them rainbows. They and I will evolve with the Light that you send. It is so needed. It is always needed, especially now in the midst of this World Initiation. Thank you for your Lightwork, and I will now bid you adieu.”
Once again a virus has been infused with the capacity to doom dark intentions and assist Earth’s humankind’s evolution.
Knowing their latest attempt at mass depopulation has been another failure, the Illuminati are desperate. They also are tenacious. Most likely they will order their minions to create chaos geographically and economically everywhere they can, and your new year will be strikingly active as the recent intensification of light undergirds the efforts of courageous leaders to end dark control of your world. By being calm, confident and cheerful, you will uplift and enlighten persons who don’t know that what appear to be dire situations are reasons for great optimism.
It is not only their recent failure that is causing the dark ones’ desperation. Those who caused the “pandemic” or committed other crimes against humanity are being arrested and, on the basis of irrefutable evidence presented at trials, found guilty in your justice systems. Some have been executed, others will be and some will spend the rest of their life in prison. These procedures will continue until all such criminals around the globe have been brought to justice.
The universal law of physics that pertains to justice is lifeprint reviews in a spirit world. Those are like life-long movies wherein the individual feels exactly what was felt by everyone whose life he or she affected, and for the aforementioned individuals, that punishment will be much, much harsher than any penalty your verdict-givers mete out.
Now let us return to the spirit of this season of gift-giving and celebrations, and let us gift you with gentle reminders for joyously celebrating life:
Let love be your foundation. This starts with loving self, having self-respect, self-worth and self-confidence.
Be fearless—there is nothing to fear!
Live in harmony with all of Nature.
Visualizing Earth immersed in golden-white light fills you with light as you send it throughout your world, and the light in a genuine smile has incalculable ripple effects.
Recognize and feel grateful for the blessings in your life.
Trust and heed your soul’s messages to your consciousness—conscience, intuition, instinct, inspiration and aspirations.
Time in solitude and silence nourishes the soul. So do animal companions, laughter, soothing music and lighthearted entertainment.
Do not judge others—you don’t know your own soul contract, much less anyone else’s.
Be forgiving. Persons you feel have done you wrong may have helped you advance in soul growth. Forgive yourself, too—if an apology to someone is in order, offer it and release the low vibrations of guilt.
Cherish beautiful memories and let go of those that are hurtful.
Divest yourself of trivial matters and direct your energy into avenues that will help you along the path to self-discovery.
Words have vibrations—choose your words carefully, respectfully, kindly.
BE what you want in your life and your world: love, joy, kindness, compassion, respectfulness, generosity, helpfulness, honesty, forgiveness and gratitude.
The sum of those reminders is Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and Live from your heart. As God said, “Absorbing light is as simple as Be kind” and “The heart is the seat of the soul”
Beloved brothers and sisters, you volunteered for one of this universe’s most vital missions—saving the souls of Earth’s civilization. Enter your new year with the joy of knowing “Mission accomplished!” In the continuum, the peoples are flourishing in Earth’s Golden Age.
All light beings in this universe honor and support you with the unequalled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
Note from Suzy: Heartfelt thanks to all of you who have written appreciation for Matthew’s messages. Dearest wishes for your health and happiness in our new year.
For a wonderful heart-warming reason, the January message will be later than usual—eight of my family are coming from Panama and the Netherlands for the holidays!
Please send all questions and comments to suzy@matthewbooks.com.
All messages from December 2003 to date are archived on www.matthewbooks.com.
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Matthew Ward via Suzy Ward | December 1, 2021
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/01/2021 08:57:00 PM