(Golden Age of Gaia)
December 16, 2021, trinityesoterics.com
Today we are going to ask you to take a moment of introspection and clarity to identify any old stories you’ve been carrying with you for years. Do you still think that is really the only truth for you, or do you hold onto that story out of habit? Is it empowering to you or serving you in any way? Would an empowered person hold that story as their truth?
Many of you are coming to the point of completion of old themes that are ready to be left behind before you step into the new. There is great wisdom in examining and consciously releasing these relics of the past before you reach the magical save point of your upcoming solstice.
What else is possible for you from this new space of awareness? How much lighter would you feel if you just let that old story go? Can you imagine it like a balloon that you can simply let go of and watch float away? The release process doesn’t need to be complicated. It simply involves identifying what no longer serves you, thanking it, (the words thank you always indicate the end of a transaction), and then giving it up to the heavens to be fully transmuted.
If you feel like you need energetic assistance to release it, there are legions of angels and helpers who would be honoured to meet that request. But we wish for you, more than anything, to understand that you are masters of your own energetics, and your intention and declaration for it be so is more than enough.
After the past two years of the life review you’ve been engaging in, you are well supported and ready for this last push of releasing the old. Let it go, allow the solstice to lock in your progress, and commit to letting your life to get as big and beautiful as it wants to be. It is truly possible to soar when you allow yourself to let go of the anchors of the old.