Friday, November 12, 2021

The Mind's Delight | Alcazar Quotes

The Mind’s Delight

The mind has for so many centuries in this human form, been focused on your physical reality. Take a deep breath, Beloved Ones, for now infusions of universal energy are coming more and more into your thought spheres, into your head space. And so indeed, there is an element of absolute knowingness that can caress the mind. And the mind's delight is in that part that recognizes the universal mind. In that recognition [of the universal mind] there is a deep relaxation. It is like a reset for your mind. The mind has been taking on the role of predicting what detrimental causes will be happening in your life. This is often referred to as the negativity bias, because evolutionarily it is far more practical for the mind to be keeping you safe in this way. Humanity is reaching a phase in its evolution where the focus is not so much that it shifts away from the physical, but that it recognizes that there have always been deeper layers to this physical reality. And as you achieve a certain level of safety, solitude and connectivity, these higher levels of mind can start to operate.

– Alcazar

Accelerated Ascension

Day 2 - Session 3