By Steve Beckow, November 14, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
As I compile the Mother’s messages into one very big book (in time for Christmas), I’m chuckling to myself and rubbing my hands in glee.
Because I have hold of a treasure chest of spiritual verities. The Divine Mother commenting on every situation under the sun. I want to tuck it under my arm, run away to a Himalayan cave, and read it. I don’t want to share it with anyone.
OK, let me share one nugget from it. This one shows how majestic the Divine Mother is and yet how approachable.
“Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: New Year’s Message 2017,” December 31, 2016, via Linda Dillon, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/12/31/new-years-message-2017/.
Too often you shy away, thinking that I am the unapproachable Mother, the Supreme Being, the Infinite and Eternal, Changeable and Unchangeable, the I AM.
Well, let us step back down. Let us meet in the middle on this wondrous planet, in this wondrous time of bringing to completion one chapter and bringing through fulfillment of this portion and this segment of our unfoldment.
When I say ‘our’ I do not simply mean what you construe as the Father and I, or even the Sacred Trinity. I mean our family which you are part of, that you have always been part of. And, yes, in this New Year, in this new time – in my time, 2017 – this illusion of separation disappears. No, it is not simply evaporating. Allow, surrender [to] and recognize the isolation, the separation [and] this tragic belief disappears. (1)
As humans, enmeshed in many illusions that have been a human creation, there has been this belief system that has grown up and in many ways solidified, that there is the Godhead and then there are the various kingdoms of the Angelics, the Archangelics, the Seraphim; there are the Ascended Masters and the enlightened beings; there are the star family – the Star beings – and then there are the human beings, and the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom – and on and on. (2)
But you do not conceive, not in your everyday knowing, practice and simple, breathing existence, that we are one – that we are a family of one. Now I understand, my beloved ones, that at times it is difficult for you to conceive as I speak of truly the Omniverse or the outer galaxies or other universes that you have either difficulty or little interest in truly comprehending and grasping.
But in this universe, this reality even that you think of as Gaia or your solar system, your planetary system – which by the way, is much larger than you think! – conceive of this – anchor this truth that I remind you of this day and this year – we are one.
I am not some distant Deity needing to be praised, adored, honoured, prayed to. You do this because you love me and you love us and of course those prayers and that adoration is heard and received graciously and with great glee.
But what about just talking? What about just visiting? What about simply sitting together? My sweet family, you have placed me at a distance. You have placed me out of reach.
You have placed your family out of reach. And so often that has come to be the fulfilment of the belief, that you do not fully feel our presence, our assistance, our guidance, our help, or our love. And that is the most important factor.
(1) The Mother has as much as said that simple awareness and acceptance of the separation will cause it to lift.
(2) I died as mineral and became a plant.
I died as plant and rose to animal.
I died as animal and I was man. …
Yet once more I shall die as man, to soar
With angels blest; but even from angelhood
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become what no mind e’er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist!
For Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones,
‘To Him we shall return.’ (Rumi in Anne and Christopher Fremantle. In Love with Love. 100 of the Greatest Mystical Poems. New York, etc.: Paulist Press, 1978, 58.)
The Divine Mother: Too Often You Shy Away | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/14/2021 10:15:00 PM