By Steve Beckow, November 12, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Let D-Day be Next
Hold your breath! Coming soon!
I’m at work finishing the book you see on the left, on our star family and won’t be posting a Today today. Watch for the book by Sunday.
It’s just my opinion, but I think we’re seeing collapses all around us, Evergrande being only the latest and most spectacular.
Speak of waiting for the next shoe to drop – there are so many shoes dropping, about to drop, or having dropped – Durham, Wikileaks, Clinton emails, McAfee, Snowden, the Paradise Papers, Lindell election data, Arizona, Georgia, on and on.
Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes are back on Youtube. I agree with Simon that that’s a subtle signal from the Alliance to us, not to lose hope. They appear to be pulling the strings at Facebook and Youtube now.
There was a line of speculation that the Alliance felt that as many of the unawakened had awakened as were going to and that it was time for the next phase. I have no idea what that phase might be.
We’ve seen astounding weather around the globe. Evidently not all of it is thanks to the cabal.
Mike Quinsey has warned us that Gaia needs to make changes and they can bring some suffering:
“Mother Earth has tasks to carry out as she prepares for Ascension, and will endeavour to make changes to the Earth in readiness. Of necessity some will cause the movement of people to safer areas, and be assured that where there is a loss of life it will have been predictable and the souls concerned aware of it. It will be part of their necessary experiences and therefore agreed beforehand….
“Mother Earth is preparing for her own Ascension, and as she cleanses Earth some loss of life is inevitable. Such souls are often working out their own karma so that all benefit from these experiences. Such events will bring about a feeling of despair amongst those who have no prior knowledge of them or their own purpose. In such circumstances the reason behind those events will be explained to them. You are going through a period of some disruption as the old energies are being played out, but it is of necessity as the changes must now take place.” (1)
We aren’t seeing “climate change” per se. We’re seeing Gaia stretching her muscles and preparing for a globally-temperate climate. And we’re seeing her shedding negativity – mostly ours, I’d imagine – as the Arcturian Group explains:
“The collective must and are waking up as they witness increasingly more ‘natural disasters’ take place. Many deeply suffer from these events but before there can be more light and awareness in the world, earth must first become free of the heavy and dense energy that remains stored on her in various places. These clearings are a necessary part of earth’s spiritual evolution.” (2)
Supply chain disruption, expected stock market collapse, countries on the brink of bankruptcy and woefully mismanaged. This is surely a repeat of 1939 except it won’t result in an aggressive war.
Moreover, this time we start with D-Day, which in our case is the Day of Deliverance. Emergency broadcasts, three days of information sessions, Reval, Singularity, Disclosure – I am ready.
(1) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Nov. 4, 2016.
(2) The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, Aug. 1, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/08/01/the-arcturian-group-through-marilyn-raffaele-aug-1-2021/.
On “climate change,” see:
“Climate Change is not Caused by “Global Warming” – Part 1/2 (Repost),” August 3, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/08/03/climate-change-is-not-caused-by-global-warming-part-1-2-repost/
“Climate Change is not Caused by “Global Warming” – Part 2/2 (Repost),” August 4, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/08/04/climate-change-is-not-caused-by-global-warming-part-2-2-repost/
“Is Climate Change a Global Disaster?,” March 2, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/03/02/is-climate-change-a-global-disaster/
Let D-Day be Next | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/13/2021 01:17:00 AM