Tuesday, November 30, 2021

December 4th Total Solar Eclipse | Celia Fenn

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Celia Fenn


We have entered the week of the Total Solar Eclipse…on Saturday 4th December!

We can expect that the Golden Solar Christ Light will intensify in this week.

We may feel very tired as deep cellular changes are initiated in preparation for these new Light Codes that will accompany the Solar Eclipse “reboot” on the 4th.

An Eclipse in Sagittarius always challenges our ability to work with new information and to keep focused on the future we want to create for ourselves and our Earth.

At this time we must not be sidetracked by the panic and anxiety on the lower levels.

We need to focus on the. New Earth and creating safe spaces that will be Sanctuaries of Light and Love. This is our purpose for the Earth right now, to raise our frequency and to begin to create places where frequency is high enough to manifest the 7D Elysium Realm of Gold.

It is here now.

It is simply a matter of aligning our love and frequency with this beautiful New Earth frequency.

To do this we need to stay grounded, keep our chakras aligned and be fully connected to our Galactic and Angelic Aspects. Call on Archangel Michael to assist you with his Sword of Truth!

Much love to everyone in the week before the Eclipse