Monday, November 29, 2021

Creating from Gratitude (Part I) | Alcazar Quotes

Creating from Gratitude Part I

Change does not happen, in the past or the future. It can only happen in the now. We have been talking these days of how your vibration, moment by moment, vibrates the Quantum Field. And the Quantum Field reflects back to you your thoughts and feelings – not just the conscious ones, but the subconscious ones also. So, you may be trying hard to create a new reality, but if your subconscious is saying, "Oh you don't deserve this." Or "You're not good enough for it." Then it will never happen. Then those subconscious feelings are more powerful simply because they are there 24 hours a day. And your conscious focus on your new creation is only there for a short time.

– Alcazar

Mexico Retreat, Nov. 2021 – Creating through Gratitude