Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Clearing the Space | Steve Beckow
By Steve Beckow, November 16, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Here I am doing what I love.
And here I am serving the Mother at the same time. (1)
And here I am doing what Michael asked me to do (go up along with everyone else and write about it).
I’m still amazed that doing what I love could also be serving the Mother and meeting the request Michael made of me, all at once.
We have all kinds of sayings that help us cope with failure – nothing ever lasts; something always goes wrong; don’t get your hopes up, etc.
But very few that bless our success, represent it as a good thing, see no reason why it shouldn’t last … well, not forever. Nothing lasts forever.
This is a doubly-interesting situation because life doesn’t usually start out that way. Watch any responsible parent and you’ll see them endlessly encouraging every step in their young child, every word, every action. Somewhere along the line we stop.
I think for a large number of people where we stop is where other people become involved.
We’re watching the end game for a force that tried to depopulate the planet and enslave the remaining people.
We’re watching the stunning example of the deep state attempting to take total control of people’s lives to the point of saying who can and who cannot go out of doors.
If they succeed, and I don’t for a minute think they will, all individual effort will begin to be channeled in ways acceptable to the state.
My writing would go underground. As one of the unvaccinated I might be confined to my apartment. On and on.
Fortunately that is not the Plan. The Plan is to return Earth to its original status as a playground for the angels to experience love in form in. (2) We’re all blessed to be part of it.
So I may be confined for a few months. I don’t have children to tend or a clock to watch, etc. It wouldn’t be as much of a hardship for me as for some others.
The world on the other side of the deep state’s remaining depredations in this global game of chess will value success at all levels and all ages.
Like stillpoint, which turns out to be a neutral launching pad, success is simply the completion of something we set out to do. It also is neutral.
It’s what we do with success that makes or undoes us.
We may succeed at one task and fail at a larger one.
I feel more relaxed now that I see how my writing completes the picture for me. I love it; it serves the Mother and it’s what Michael ordered.
The Humpty Dumpty man, after being put back together again, is now turning to put back together his work in the outside world.
As a result of what I see right now, I feel clear, unconfused, settled, and more focused than I think I’ve ever been. The space that I am, the clearing, the field of awareness or bubble feels peaceful, whole, integrated, complete.
And not just complete as in complete for an hour, but complete.
(1) Divine Mother: You have chosen long, long ago with Me, with Annastara [my twin flame], with ME KI AL, to be a communicator and an agent of change.
You have said to me, “Mother, what if they forget? I will remind them. I will communicate with them through words, through my passion, through my heart, through my knowing. I will communicate the love to them.”
This is your task and it is a task of change as this planet, in this great chaos, in flux, chooses, yes, by this wonderful instrument of free will, as they choose and as you choose to simply be the love. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, April 30, 2019.)
(2) Divine Mother: Can you imagine, just for a moment, when this beloved archangel Gaia came to me. … and said, Mother I know that you are birthing and creating a planet of infinite love for the experience and the expression, the tangibility of love and I wish to participate … in this creation.
And of course I have said yes in exalted glee for this mighty archangel was saying to me I will change my form, a form of incredible might, of power and wisdom, and most certainly of flexibility. … I will do this.
And I have said to her, alright, thank you, but you will be a mighty archangel still. …
And so we have created this phenomenal planet. Throughout the multiverse and the omniverse and the galaxies, why do you think this planet is so attractive to so many? It is because of the diversity, the beauty, and the love.
From the tiniest grain of sand, to a droplet of water to a distant horizon, this planet and all the kingdoms upon her have been created to have that experience of love. (Divine Mother through Linda Dillon on Saturday Conference Call, April 6, 2019.)