You Are Rising Fast | Heavenletters
OCT 5 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Would your brow be furrowed if you did not worry? Why would you want to have worry lines on your face? Ease your mind, and you will have no marks of worry on your face.
It is your heart that matters to Me. I care about your skin, but it is your heart that matters. Your heart is of great import to the world. Your face is not.
Whatever has been, no matter how much worry, you can let worry slide away. You don’t have to keep it. You need no loyalty to it. Life will go along with or without your worry. Worry is nothing to worry about. Be done with it.
Take care that you do not carry worries with you. Worry has been a habit like any other. Habits can be broken.
I do not suggest that you pretend you don’t have worries. I do not suggest that you pretend anything. I suggest that you be done with worry. Put worries away like dolls and trucks you no longer play with. Don’t stuff them in a drawer. Get them out altogether. Bury them. Take them out of your head, and bury them in the garden. Plant flowers instead. Water flowers, not worries. The soil will soften your worries. Your worries will melt away. Just take all your worries as one and dump them in the backyard, and forget about them.
What has worry ever done for you, I ask. When was it your friend? When did it make life better for you?
Worry is a stalling device. It keeps you from getting into action. When you make a decision and get into action, you have less opportunity for worry. Become one-pointed, and worry will disappear on its own. When you know where you’re going, what is there to worry about? When you know where you are going, you will always find your way.
I would like to remove your cares. Life will move on with or without your concerns. What is worry but fear’s messenger? Better to be My messenger than to listen to fear’s whispers.
Pass on My glad tidings. Take the world out of its misery. Raise it. The higher you go, the less worry can attach itself to you. It will fall by the wayside.
You are rising fast. Let your worries go, and you will rise faster. Worry drags on your coattails. It would hold you back. Worry wants to stay with you. It is comfortable with you. In fact, it has no existence without you. It is co-dependent. Worry feeds on your dependence, as if worry were an amulet that protects you. Worry likes to keep you by its side. It would prefer that you dither your days with it rather than going forward.
You can have fear and not worry. Fear can get along quite well without worry. Worry is fear’s nag. It’s hard enough to have fear. You don’t need the nagging to go with it. Perhaps without worry, fear will be less.
Fear may nip at your heels, but you can turn around and stare it down. But worry is insidious. It takes fear from every angle and embroiders on it. It swells fear. It makes it long-lasting. One drop of worry goes a long way, but you can dispense with it.
Just think of a life without worry. You can have it. A life without worry. You can take care of yourself without worry.
Then you can tackle your fears. You can punch them in the nose one by one. Fear just wears disguises anyway.
So long as I exist, there is nothing to fear, and I exist eternally. So do you. You cannot die. You cannot be damaged. One way or another, the physical is going to go away. But you, never. You are always. Rest your fears. Abandon worry. Come with Me.
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You are Rising Fast | Heavenletters #1631
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/05/2021 10:59:00 PM