(Golden Age of Gaia)
It is the coming together heart to heart to heart to share what is sacred. And what is more sacred than love? We are united in heart in ways that are bigger than any solar system…
Greetings, I am Yeshua. I am Jesus Sananda, I am Jesus, I am Yeshi, I am brother, I am ally, I am friend. And that is how I wish to come to you this day and every day… as brother, and ally, and friend. And yes, sometimes guide, sometimes healer, sometimes teacher. Whatever you need, however you need, desire, pray, hope for me to be in your life as beloved, I will be. And know sweet ones, in the same way, you show up for me. I think you do not always realize this, the level of sacred union and partnership that we have truly entered.
And you say to me, “Well Lord, how can I possibly be your teacher?” Of course you are. Think of it, beloved, you live in an infinite, ever-expanding, exploding universe. And what does that mean? It means, beloved, that you are also expanding. You are unfurling your wings like never before, and that is quite an accomplishment.
And so, I say to you, “How does your community, how does the human community think or feel at this moment in time in a human existence way?” And you turn to me, and you say, “Well Yeshi, this group thinks that, this group feels that, there are various trends…” And when I say this does not make sense, you explain it with laughter and glee and patience. This is the nature of sacred union; it is the coming together heart to heart to heart to share what is sacred. And what is more sacred than love? The love is inside the words, the looks, the attitudes, the behavior.
Long ago Gabrielle has told you the love is embedded in each and every word, and the space in each and every letter, and between every letter, and between every word. It is also true when it is telepathic, spoken, written… it matters not. Nothing is more easy; nothing is more simple than the transmission of love. It is not complex; it is as easy as breathing. It is only in the human old paradigms of denial that it became something difficult, that many scenarios and dramas… the human addictions… became too embedded. The transmission of love is in each and every breath, in each and every beat of your heart. It is not something you need to strive to do; what you need to do is simply, delightfully, joyously be yourself.
Now, does that mean that each and every person is going to embrace you, love you back, agree with you? Not quite yet… but the answer is actually, yes. And how does that shift take place? How does that monumental change in attitudes and behaviors take place? Through kindness. Through consideration. Through heart sharing; through heart speaking; through heart listening.
Long ago, when I walked the planet, there were many who did not like me, that thought I was a traitor, that thought I was a trouble maker, that thought I was quite crazy. But let me share something with you… there were rabbis, and Pharisees, and peddlers, and healers that I would speak to with kindness. And inside kindness is respect and honoring of the sacred nature of that being, of every being. And there were those who would be hysterically yelling at me. But there were some who disagreed strongly with me but would sit and talk to me kindly, honoring my divine right and my human right to my opinion. Of course, they hoped to sway me and let’s be true about this, I hoped to sway them, to reach their hearts, and sometimes I did, and sometimes I didn’t. But inside the conversation was the transmission, both from me and into me from them.
It isn’t about immutable truth… there is only one truth, it does not change. There are many scenarios that are built to distract, and many become distracted because of the human prior addiction to drama. It is time to say, “So what?” And to embrace each other as brothers and sisters, as Gaians, as hybrids, as star beings, as one. That is how Nova Earth is built.
Often the Mother, and many, certainly Gaia, speaks to you of the joy of diversity. Each person, each animal, each flower, each cloud, each mountain has a different, slightly different, lens on the experience of being in form. And each lens is valid. Not when it is shaded and colored by lies or untruth. But even when that is completely absent there is always a different lens and perspective… and that is the gift.
You know, there were times when Magdalena, and all my friends, we would go to the countryside… they’d think it was teaching and preaching. And when there were many, and in my time, it meant rarely more than a few hundred… but that was many, and I would be so excited, not about conversion but because it was conjoining, it was the chance to be together in love.
Yes, there is that saying that when two or more are gathered… But let me tell you my friends, when we would gather… and there were many… it was joy-filled. And yes, I would make sure that everybody had something to eat and drink because I wanted them to come. I wanted to hear their stories. I wanted to read their hearts. The exact same way I want to be with you, to read your heart, and beloveds, to have you read mine. Not just as bouncing mirrors but as friends and family.
We are united in heart in ways that are bigger than any solar system. We are woven and interwoven in miraculous ways. Let us proceed together. Let no man, woman, child, dog, cat, camel, alligator, cloud, hurricane… let no being be your enemy. Be kind and compassionate and celebrate because you, and we, are all on the journey back to the unity of One, back to the heart of One. There is no separation. We just get to have this experience as angels in form for a little while. So, call me, walk with me… I keep asking you to walk with me, to sit with me, to play with me. This is my invitation yet again. How will you answer? I know you will answer with love, as I respond to you in kind.
Go with my love. Go sweet angels in peace. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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What is the Nature of Sacred Union? | Yeshua via Linda Dillon
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/07/2021 10:39:00 PM