This Planet Is Like a School
Understand that this planet is a bit like a university or a school. You are all learning. You have not all been here for the same length of time. As you know, the number of humans is growing, which is a enabling more beings to incarnate. So some beings, are here for the first time; they are in kindergarten. And people such as yourselves who have moved up through many lifetimes are becoming more aware. You are in university. Some of you are about to graduate. And so your desire to assist others is an indication that you have learned much and you are ready to share that which you have learned. And this is the same for almost everyone here [in this workshop]. But understand that when you are in kindergarten you behave very differently. You do not know how to share. If you have watched little children, one little boy has a toy that he's playing with, another little boy wants it; so he comes over and bonks him on the head and takes the toy. That is what happens in kindergarten. And right now, you have many kindergartners running your countries. They are taking things from each other. So, understand that you may not have graduated from university yet - but you have still learned much.
– Alcazar
September Intensive, 2021