(Golden Age of Gaia)
October 6, 2021, trinityesoterics.com
The biggest power move you can make on your enlightenment journey is making the shift from knowing about spirituality to living spiritually. Your seeking is a wonderful thing, and for many of you, provides the first steps toward your embodiment. Ultimately, it is your beingness that declares who you really are.
Knowledge is often a precursor to action; a springboard, if you will, to how you wish to be. Simply put, reading about love is wonderful, but one loving action allows you to experience yourself as the love, and it is the expression of those spiritual traits that you’re really seeking.
Hear us when we say ~ you do not need to wait until you reach some level of attainment in order to live your life in an enlightened way. Every demonstration of love, every prayer, every moment of gratitude, every observation of beauty, every word of encouragement to another, every peaceful choice, every kindness ~ all of it is spirituality in action.
What we wish for you to know is that there are many, many of you on the planet who simply express who they really are, beautifully and consistently, without any knowledge at all of the ascension process, and that makes just as much of a difference as the actions of those who have studied for their entire lives.
Do you see? The prep work is valuable, but don’t get stuck in the habit of being a perpetual student who never quite feels ready to apply their knowledge, because the world needs you and your loving actions now. There is also great joy for you when you allow yourself to step into the experience of being who you came onto the planet to be.
The Springboard to Authenticity | Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/07/2021 10:36:00 PM