Friday, October 22, 2021
Part of the Awakening Process is Becoming Alone | Alcazar Quotes
Part of the Awakening Process Is Becoming Alone
Participant: I feel like the more I go up in vibration, the more my life falls apart. Before I woke up, I had a pretty good life and I was on top of the world. In fact, I used to judge people who had a midlife crisis because I didn't understand what that was, because I was so happy and fulfilled. And then one day, almost overnight, it all changed. I stopped liking what I was doing. Things started to fall apart, and people started leaving my life. Uh, people that I enjoyed hanging out with, they just would get a promotion and move away or, you know, they just would fall out of my life. And the more I went up, the more I started to feel disconnected. I did the self-inquiry, which is a really painful process, and I don't shy away from that. I don't feel like I get anything back, like my God is asleep; it's quiet. And if I get something, then I question if it comes from an ego or if it comes from the the higher consciousness.
ALCAZAR: When it comes from the higher consciousness, there's a sense of lightness that comes with it. When it comes from the ego, there is also a constant questioning, "Is this right?" Many people go through a realignment, a breaking down of the old in order to allow the new. When you look upon the breaking down as a problem, as something going wrong, then it delays; it takes longer for the transition into the new. Part of this process of becoming awake, becoming aware is to recognize you are alone. Each one of you are your own unique being on your own unique path. You have been conditioned to find another to make yourself whole. You have been conditioned to look on the outside to validate yourself. Part of the awakening process is becoming alone. And from that place [of aloneness], reconnecting from a place of your own empowerment, your own fullness, rather than needing connections with others to fulfill yourself.
– Alcazar
September Intensive, 2021