Saturday, October 9, 2021

Namaste | Tina Herzog

“What about the namaste? What does that mean? Have you ever analyzed that? The God in me meets the God in you, the God in you meets the God in me. This has been the ancient greeting.

Did you ever, ever think about what that meant?”

Some of you may already know from whence this quote came. For to spin this tale, cast this spell, draw you into your own heart, I will only reveal at the end who so eloquently shines a light on such an ancient greeting. Some of you are now already scrolling down to the end, much like going to the last page of the last chapter of a book – your desire so strong to know the outcome. But then can you ever appreciate the significance of drawing upon the revelation that bubbles to the surface, after surviving an experience – pleasant or otherwise? Let’s face it, most of us have been living in the land of “otherwise” for far too long. Yet, if one truly goes within, one discovers there were blessings along the way, some small – almost imperceptible, and still others sparked an awakening unlike anything this world has ever known.

The world is changing – even for those still fast asleep, they can’t ignore the changes. Yet for those fast asleep, their perception can be distorted. Perhaps they believe if they acquiesce just once more, give up one more liberty, things will go back to the way it used to be. But for those who are well on their way in their awakening, discovering their inner power, their connections to higher consciousness, they also see a changing world. Though we see the darkness, the machinations of fear and hatred and division – we are shown the piercing Light coming in from behind, with an illumination the likes of which this world has never known. There is no going back. There isn’t even a new normal. The path chosen now, forged in darkness or light – is still a choice that must be made. Make no mistake in thinking darkness will survive in the higher consciousness. Lower vibrational thoughts, deeds, actions cannot sustain. You see that happening now everywhere you look. Much like a cornered rabid animal, filled with fear and anger. They will not go quietly into the night.

Much to be said about darkness, but evil it is not. Darkness is simply the absence of Light. Hatred is just the absence of Love. Knowing how powerful Love and Light are and always will be…knowing how powerful our thoughts and words and deeds are…knowing how much we know now, why oh why are we not sending as many waves of Love and Light into the darkness as we possibly can – as often as we can? That is how one defeats the darkness, with as much light as is available to us. Make no mistake, we are powerful Beings of Light. We always were. Most of us have awakened to this fact and yet still some doubt this entirely, and still others only doubt the amount of power they could wield. And some still wait. Some wait for that unseen, unknown savior, prophesied to come and rescue us in the last days- and while they wait, what’s the harm in acquiescing just a little bit more? More harm begets more harm – more than they realize.

Those awakened souls who see the calamity and chaos, saw it from afar, as an observer. Yet, the time is upon us where we can no longer observe the stage from the mountain. The darkness knows this. The stage is now at our doorstep for viewing from the front row. We are confronted now with what we’ve allowed to play out, over centuries. What are you going to do now that your livelihood is threatened? You see the illusion for what it is, knowing it was for the mass awakening of all souls. Yet here we are, faced with the loss of the last vestiges of our freedoms, our jobs, and with some…our lives. Do we also acquiesce? Or do we gather up the power within us all, as a collective, and fight? I don’t mean literally take up a sword either, although some believe it may come to that. I am saying, as a collective mind and heart, we take up the arms of Love and Light. We send Love and Light and healing to all of humanity – yes all. It is no longer our nature to hate anyone or be divided. It is our nature to love and always has been so. I leave you with this now. For this is your ohm-work. Go within and you will know. Love and Light is the only answer. Love and Light will transform this world. Most of all, and make no mistake, the line in the sand has already been drawn. It was done so at the beginning of time. For a time such as this. The choice is yours now.

As promised…The namaste quote is an excerpt from one of Kryon’s channeled sessions.