Monday, October 11, 2021

I am Ready to Evolve More Rapidly with Grace and Ease | Alcazar Quotes

“I Am Ready to Evolve More Rapidly with Grace and Ease.”

We are going to suggest some words for you to say in a moment. We wish for you to hear us say these words and see if you can align with them and make these words your own. And then we will ask you to speak those words from a place of power. No need to speak them out loud, but speak them to yourself, to your humanness. So, the words that we are suggesting are these: “I am ready to evolve more rapidly with grace and ease. I am ready to evolve more rapidly with grace and ease.” Do not repeat these words until you feel in alignment with them. You can make them your own intention. And if you align with them, then speak them to your humanness. “I am ready to evolve more rapidly with grace and ease. I am ready to evolve more rapidly with grace and ease. I am ready to evolve more rapidly with grace and ease”. Feel this. Gently repeat it until you feel the vibration within your body changing. “I am ready to evolve more rapidly with grace and ease.” Do not speak it too fast; speak gently with your intention; speak it to your human self. “I am ready to evolve more rapidly with grace and ease.” And can you feel gratitude towards yourself for having reached that decision, having reached that clarity, having reached that readiness?

– Alcazar

September Intensive, 2021