Hail the Returning Hero | Heavenletters
OCT 6 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
You are Created Beings. You are creatures. You consume My heart. I am ever aware of your presence, and yet I do not own you. When I gave you free will, I set you free. We are One, yet, in your view, you are not bonded to Me. In your view, you can go off on your own. You may seemingly depart from Me, feeling that We ought to part ways, or that We already have parted ways. You are free to do that in your mind if you want, yet in actuality, that can never be. I am bonded to you, beloveds. You are free to trot off anywhere you like, yet I chose to stay with you always. I will never in My imagination or deed part from you. I cannot, and I will not. My Will is to be with you and embrace you. I stick close. I cannot conceive anything else. Why would I ever disengage Myself from that which I hold dear?
If someone wanted to pull even one of your teeth for no reason, would you say, “Go ahead, pull my tooth?” In the same way, I would not pull out from My awareness even one of My children. What possible need could there be for Me to distance Myself from you or anyone? It makes no sense. I am yours, and yours I stay. I am everyone’s, and everyone’s I stay.
Nor are you My yo-yo on a string. It’s true you go up and down. That is your own volition. You go up and down because of the stories your mind tells you. You listen to the stories. You discern tragedy and decide you have to feel low. What if you did not discern certain events as tragic? What if you omitted the entire concept of tragedy? What would you weep over then?
What if the word tragedy had never been formed? What if all events in life were considered as only events in life? There is joy at the birth of a baby and a baby’s cry. Must there be tragedy when someone leaves Earth? You are aware that everyone will leave Earth, and yet, every time, it is a jolt as if death were an outlaw.
Life is precious, and so also is death. Have a sense that death is a reward, not a tragic event.
With death, it is like you have received a telegram: “Come Home. We’re waiting for you. Here is your ticket. We are going to celebrate your arrival. And what rejoicing there will be! You are about to embark on another leg of your journey. We can entitle it Heaven Revisited. The hero has come Home. God bless the hero. Godspeed.”
What is wrong with that? What if you stopped arguing the inevitable? You who are an Immortal can never die. Only your body takes its leave. Would you prevent it? How long would you prevent it?
At night you rest your head on a pillow. This nightly event is not mourned. And yet at the sunset of your life or a loved one’s, when you or a loved one lie down for a well-deserved rest, there is wailing. Wail not, beloveds. The hero has come Home. Rejoice.
What would you have your loved ones do, beloveds? And what would you, given the choice, do? Would you hang out in the world forever?
When you depart Earth, you are as light as air. All burden has left. Worrisome thoughts have dropped away. You are left with what you have always wanted, and that is love, beloveds, and that is love. Hail to the returning hero.
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Hail the Returning Hero | Heavenletters #3337
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/06/2021 08:56:00 PM