Elrah: The Energetic Opening | Steve Rother

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Steve Rother


Greetings, dear ones.

I’m Elrah of Rhythmic Service, welcome everybody. You’re here and now so am I. You see, I don’t get out much these days for there is a lot of preparation underway on our side of the veil. Oh, it’s absolutely fascinating on your side of the veil. But the really interesting part of all this is what’s happening on our side of the veil.

From our perspective, we have gathered some of the greatest master healers of all time on your planet. They are not all from planet Earth, but come from several places throughout the universe. Specialists have gathered on many dimensional levels; these are the visionaries who helped to shape this game. Their intent is to gather together to heal and evolve humans. From their view it is all part of the same process.

You should see all these beings. Wow, it’s a magical around here! It is taking place now to be of assistance here in the days ahead. There’s a party going on here that’s just absolutely amazing. I mean, on this side of the veil you see some of the highest of all the beings that have been brought Home. They are gathering to be of service in the greatest assist from Home that has ever happened on any game anywhere.

Many humans crossed during COVID-19, in all parts of the globe. Most people know at least one person who crossed. Genocide, war and other causes have taken a toll as well. From the human perspective it may seem to be in vain, but we tell you that much of it was by contract. The magical part is what’s taken place here. Now you might not think that those who were called Home are master healers. You may have known one of these brave people that passed over. Perhaps they were wonderful at gardening or cooking, but you wouldn’t exactly describe them as a master healer, so you find it confusing.

But when you come to Earth, dear ones, you expand out into 11 different dimensions of time-space and each one has a slightly different experience. Depending on your contracts and how you’ve set things up, each aspect of you works a little bit differently. The magical part is that you’re heading in a beautiful direction. When a person dies and comes Home, it’s not just one aspect but all 11 of you that cross the veil at exactly the same instant and become perfect again. You’ve noticed there’s no perfection here on planet Earth, it’s just not allowed. Somebody wrote it down in the early rules, no perfection on planet Earth. So in order to hide your perfection, you come in and split off into different rays of imperfect light. But when you come back together, that’s who you really are. Each one of those people knew you for who you were in that dimension of time-space, and you share the same core personality.

Regaining Perfection

When a person crosses the veil, all of the massive energy comes Home. They come back together as a perfect being, dear ones, they’re perfect once again. Many who have died during the last couple of years have done so by contract. The important part is with all of the assistance on this side of the veil, it’s opening up new possibilities.

Now, you may think that it’s a question of just channeling these entities and bringing that through. Yes, that is part of what’s going to happen, people will learn how to tap into this energy. Some will think they are smart and have great ideas, others will call it inspiration or even channeling. You already have interest and fascination in your own areas of mastery. While that’s happening, other things are also being added to those levels. And if you’re interested in something, all of a sudden, you’ll get new ideas about how to work with it. You’ll have new possibilities of things that you can try. Perhaps you’re an expert on this over here, or you have theories about that over there. At first, you’ll probably try what you feel most comfortable with.

The Energetic Opening

If you understand the larger aspect of what’s taking place, there is an opening on this side of the veil. It’s absolutely huge. Once a person tunes into it, the flow begins and things align naturally. That opening makes the connection easier between our side of the veil and yours. You’ll notice the Keeper is a conscious channel. If you slap him across the face, he’s going to say, “Ouch! Wait, I just did that. Oh, well.”

Even if you don’t know the next steps of how to apply it or where to use it, just open up your intent. Set your intention to be downloaded with this information, then your areas of interest and expertise will start to expand. You’ll have new ideas, new things to work with, and a new rhythm in which to carry them. Dear ones, the magic has been going on for a very long time. And now you have so many things coming together at the same time.

Something’s Happening Here

The question becomes, why would all these beings gather on the other side of the veil? There are very big things happening that most will never see. The eyes of the Universe are upon Earth as these next steps are made. For this reason, many of you are here right now because you’ve traveled backwards in time some 300 years to be here at this very moment. Now you may think that everyone believes they live in critical times. Yes, they tend to do that. But you did it, because your space was reserved. Your place in that chair at this moment was reserved for some of you 500 or 600 years ago. You knew this was going to take place, you knew that there were things happening that you could be a part of and even make easier. And, yes, many of you were actually here at the beginning of the game when you first opened the doors to this new place. You had to discover what worked and what didn’t. You had to figure out the new guidelines and different aspects of it. Although it wasn’t easy, you did it.

Yes, the same doors are getting ready to open again. There’s a new world coming, one that you are creating and it’s actually an opportunity for mastery. There are opportunities to see what works and what doesn’t. As you open up the other doors and start walking into this new world, there are all kinds of creations. You can bring your magic, dear ones. It’s been foretold that you were coming and now you’re here.

Learn to listen from the other side, to pick up those pieces from the master healers that have now crossed over. They will help you re-member. There will be more crossing over, for there’s more energy there. More things will take place on Earth, but you can make this ride a lot easier for everyone if you just hold hands. Instead of focusing on the differences, look for the ways you are alike. Know that you’re all a part of each other, even if you disagree. That’s the part to keep in mind, because that’s what will open up your channels. They won’t channel to only one side or the other. There are no differences at Home, it’s all perfection and everything is connected. You’re all a part of each other, the way that you are on Earth, you just can’t see it.

We hope you find a new rhythm to walk within. Walk proud and tall as you step forward on Earth, but know that there’s a new rhythm, a new game forming. Welcome Home, welcome to the new planet Earth. And with that, I ask you to treat each other with respect as you play that game. Open those doors for everyone else that you can, and nurture each other every chance you get. Play well together. That’s all it takes and you will create Ηome on your side of the veil. Well done. Dear ones, well done.

I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

Elrah: The Energetic Opening | Steve Rother Elrah: The Energetic Opening | Steve Rother Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/21/2021 09:51:00 PM Rating: 5

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