Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Vision of the Ancient Ones | Alcazar Quotes

The Vision of the Ancient Ones

There have always been some very powerful beings whom we call the Ancient Ones. They exist here on your earth plane. They have been here since consciousness was brought to your planet. These Ancient Ones have a specific task. They hold the vision of what humanity is moving towards. They hold the vision of what is going to occur here on your Earth. They hold the vision of who you are becoming. Just as you create with your thoughts and feelings, with your vibration, in the Quantum Field, they are also creating. They are creating by holding the vision. The Ancient Ones are creating a vibration in the Quantum Field. This acts almost like a magnet would act, drawing humanity slowly, slowly into their vision. It's the vision of peace on Earth, of abundance on all levels, and of creativity beyond your imagining. The ancient ones are holding this vision for humanity.

– Alcazar

Becoming Superconscious, 2021 - Day 40