Shadow Work is Easy! | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

September 10, 2021

Shadow Work is Easy!

Me: Ivo, I have to do this. Help me out here!

Ivo: I will, of course, my love.

There are many many ways to do it. We shall describe some here.


First of all we told you, as we have told you over and over again, that any negative thought you think is because of either 1. dualistic thinking, 2. mind control or attachment interference, 4. thoughts and assumptions you made which are lodged in your light body as negative pockets of dark energy (energetic blocks), 5. stuff you took on, downloaded from parents and caregivers, 6. negative energy you got from other people or free floating negative energy that affects your mood.

There are ways to deal with all of these things, and they're easy.

There is one rule: Keep the focus on yourself, not on what you perceive as wrong with others. Take responsibility for your own personal growth and stop blaming others.


When you have a negative thought, like:

- I'm having a bad day – then consider what's so bad about it and how you can improve it. Typically having a bad day has to do with ignoring one's needs, so look at that. We are here to learn to love ourselves. The best way to deal with thoughts like this is to try to find something good about it, or to find something to be grateful for. Even if it's just that it's sunny out. You may also be being prompted by your attachments so they can feed. Remember, too, that you create your reality so if it's bad it's because you're in the wrong mindset.

- “My job sucks” - get another one that doesn't suck. And why do you not understand yourself enough to be able to net a job that doesn't suck? That's a question worth asking. You need to learn to know yourself better. One good start is to understand your rays. In thinking this, you may also be being prompted by your attachments so they can feed. If there is no job that meets your needs, then start your own business or service. I did.

- “My love life sucks!” Well, obviously you haven't met your right partner yet, but in order to find that wonderful Mr or Ms, you have to be their reflection, so get moving on your shadow work! You don't attract perfection by being negative; life is a mirror. If you think negatively of yourself, that's what you'll attract. You may also be being prompted by your attachments so they can feed.

We live in a duality reality – positive and negative because negativity can exist in this lower frequency. You choose between the negative and the positive every time you have a thought. That thought you energize and it comes back to create your reality. So think positively!

This is all fine and good, however the problem with duality is that the divide and conquer mind control programming is running on your head. You think you have privacy in your thoughts? Not a chance! Your mind is an open book being read by reptilians and demonics all the time. They know what you fear, they know what you hate, and they will help you to create these circumstances in your life so that they can feed their invisible friends at the expense of your moods!

Are you really okay knowing your mind is being controlled by a computer? Are you really okay with that? Don't you feel like fighting back and taking control of your mind again or are you happy having evil others dictate how you should think?

Have you ever wondered why this earth is so negative? Well, that's why? It improves as soon as you stop allowing them to run your mind. You move to higher timelines.


When you have a negative thought, like:

- I hate sheeple – then you are a duality thinker and you're being prompted through mind control to hate other people. The reason you hate them is because you see yourself reflected in their behaviour somehow, but instead of looking at what it is you don't like about yourself, you hate on them instead. This is called “projection”.

- I hate myself – well, technically that's impossible, but again, you're being prompted through mind control to hate yourself. Of course they know that if you think you hate yourself, you're going to hate everyone else as well, so they have you where they want you. Maybe you don't realize this but they know life is a mirror.

- I hate a particular person – you have a fleeting thought that you can't stand a particular person. Maybe you've never had this thought before or it's contrary to what you ordinarily feel about that person, or maybe you really don't like that person and it just came up out of the blue – you're being prompted to reduce your own frequency so your attachments can have a feed. Their favourite flavours are fear and hatred.

- Maybe you have a fear of being fat or maybe you are overweight. This fear comes up when you see an overweight person, but instead of reminding yourself of the fear that you may have repressed (Oh yeah, I don't like them because I'm not happy with my own weight), you just hate on the overweight person instead. Again, that's projection. This is what judgment is about : hating others for reminding you of what you fear for or dislike about yourself. Again, you're being prompted to lower your vibration so your attachments can have a feed. Those attachments know you and will press all your buttons to continue feeding themselves! Maybe you're like me and fear losing your weight, because you fear how being attractive will garner you all kinds of unwanted attention from predatory types. So you keep overeating. Yes, an alien soul on earth finds all kinds of ways to protect itself.

- If you can't stand people who are low class, maybe you have a fear of being low class or a fear of losing your wealth or losing your perceived status in life, or maybe you are low class and your ego is keeping you from seeing that by telling you you have a better car than everyone else, you're smarter than everyone else, or you're more special in some way than other people are. Or maybe you're just insecure, a lot of matrix people are. You have that thought come up one day. Again, you're being prompted to lower your vibration so your attachments can have a feed. They're doing you a favour: giving you a chance to gain in strength and to look at yourself.

- If you can't stand people who belch in the mall, maybe you have a fear of losing control or a fear of appearing rude, and again, you're being prompted to lower your vibration so your attachments can have a feed. It's not about what you like or what you don't like – it's about what you love or what you fear. Maybe, like me you have a fear of society going downhill, which it has since I was young, and you don't like being reminded of it. People didn't belch in public back in the 60's.

- If you can't stand people you think are ugly, maybe you have a fear of losing your looks and again, you're being prompted to lower your vibration so your attachments can have a feed. If you can't stand people who are good looking, maybe you're jealous. Or maybe you don't like that in order to be so good looking, they appear to be really fake. Or maybe you dislike good looking people because they remind you of your home in the stars and the fact you're not there right now.

- There is one more I can think of. You react negatively to people who are lower in frequency than you are. Actually, that's a natural reaction because similar things attract and dissimilar things repel. It's because you came here to help them. But there are two ways of responding: in judgment, anger, fear and disdain, or with compassion to them for their plight. One is a low vibrational egoic response and the other is a high vibration soul based response, which by the way, your attachments can't feed from. Having understanding, compassion, patience and love for others no matter where they are in life is the only way to respond that does not feed the dark side! As for the particular situation with the “sheeple,” would you want to trade places with them? Would you want to be the one who is asleep? No? Then how about having some compassion for their plight, REGARDLESS of how ignorant, self serving, arrogant, self righteous or completely deluded their stance is. In the Course in Miracles, channeled by Jesus, he says to focus on forgiveness. The person to forgive is yourself because in learning to forgive yourself for your erroneous ways of seeing life, you will begin to see correctly. Believe me, it works.

- Not to be confused with self pity, compassion, patience, and kindness can be extended to the self first. When you are these things with yourself, it's easier to be that way with others.

Beware that whatever neuroses you have created for yourself throughout your life, your attachments will take advantage of to continue to lower your vibration. It's up to you to clear these fears, prejudices and resentments in order to strengthen your auric field and to kick these interlopers to the curb!

Another way to deal with this is kind of thinking is to just say “No!” to it or if you can understand your fear, then acknowledge it and admit it. They can't hound you if you admit your shortcomings. I use a technique called “thought stopping” when it begins and I feel myself responding, I say, “No. Not gonna go there. I'm not going to engage in this thinking. I'm going to keep my vibration up.” And that's it. I keep control over my mind and don't allow any negatives to gain it! Eventually you have to look at your shadow, sort out your issues and see them with compassion because your attachments will use them to torment you throughout your life, and it will keep you in a lower frequency and perhaps from ascending. You'll just keep creating loosh for these parasites, as they want you to.

What I learned is, having grown up in the matrix, there are a lot of things I don't like about this planet and those are my fears. I fear being very much like the people I see who belch in public, are overweight, rude, argumentative, self righteous, etc etc. I fear being like the people I see here. The difference is I acknowledge it and I admit it to myself, and I understand that that fear comes from my childhood, not from my soul, and then I allow my soul to predominate by doing my shadow work and then realigning my chakras. Ultimately I realize I AM NOT like these people, I am my soul having a physical experience, so there is no reason to fear. So I don't act out these behaviours, I acknowledge them and send them love, accept them, and maybe have a chuckle over them – but I don't involve other people into them! Awareness is the only way to do that.

Acknowledging your fears to yourself helps you to accept yourself and life on earth as it is. Being unaware of your behaviours and then acting them out with others keeps the arguing and fighting going on, and that's what the dark ones want. They want you to be unaware and easily controllable.

By not acting out your fears, they lose power over you. Your dysfunctional past makes way for a better future and your vibe rises.

By the way, it's possible for you to have a fear of being some way, but also favouring being that same way because you believe it provides advantages to you. Like my being overweight. I fear being overweight, but I also love it because I feel it provides me with protection and I'd rather take rejection for it than lose that protection. Yes, humans can be complicated.


With mind control, you have to be familiar with the types of programming that are run on us:

- divide and conquer – this is you calling others sheeple

- sexual misery programming – this is you getting together with a partner who makes your life a living hell, this is you getting into an unworkable relationship but it's not limited to only that. It can include you marrying your handler, you being raped, you being sexually abused as a child. It can also be you never finding the right person.

- dark mother programming – this is you being abused by your mother, or you abusing your children

- false king of tyranny programming – this is you being abused by your father, your father dominating and controlling the family, this is also politicians putting forth covid programming, and our work world being male dominated.

The thing to do with mind control programming is to see it functioning in your thinking and to eradicate any thoughts that would align with this programming. Do not allow others to foist their programming upon you – for example if you're with a partner enacting the False King of Tyranny programming in your family, then why accept it and allow them to?

If you see your wife enacting the Dark Mother programming with your children, then what are you going to do about it?

Why do they run these mind control programs on us? Simple. Because that's how they think and they live among us. What better way to fit into a human world than to make the humans believe they are like you?


Throughout our life, we draw conclusions and make assumptions according to what we experience. Many of these can be false, especially since we live in a false Matrix. We have cut ourselves off from our entirety and created a shadow in order to fit into this matrix and it's this shadow that continually shows itself to us in our preferences and dislikes. Don't kid yourself, your attachments also know what your preferences and prejudices are and they will bring them up in your mind in order to continue to prompt you to create loosh.

What conclusions have you drawn about yourself?

What assumptions have you made about others?

What assumptions have you made about people, places and things without even investigating first?

How do you have a belief system of limitation?

Watch for these things in what you think and what you say. Then work to debunk them. You are not limited.

These assumptions are lodged in your lightbody as negative pockets. Therefore your lightbody requires regular cleaning, your chakras require regular rebalancing, and attachments, cords, tags and implants must be removed regularly. In doing this these pockets of negativity are cleansed from the light body.

The other way to cleanse these pockets of negativity is through doing your shadow work. When you become aware of a belief that doesn't work for you, examine it and change it. Many of your beliefs you formed when you were a child and incapable of looking at life through the same empowered eyes you currently have. Seeing things again as an adult often heals the inner child that was powerless. This changes the shadow by reducing it. Then there is less for you to be manipulated with by your attachments and they will go elsewhere in favour of a better meal than you.


Parents who are unconscious treat their children the same way they were treated as children.

Your children end up like you because you treat them the same way your parents treated you. They will end up with the same problems you have had UNLESS they are more conscious than you are and use their inner guidance. However, if you are severely abusing your children, you will cause their soul to split off and fragment. Parents who abuse their children are enacting the False King of Tyranny and the Dark Mother programming. Yes, you were abused by computer programming that was piped into your parents' heads.

An alcoholic parent will have alcoholic children or the children will go the other extreme and never ever take a drink because they saw what it did to their parents. This is how lightworkers take on familial issues and transmute them. There's no way a child growing up in an alcoholic family will be indifferent to alcoholism. You take this forward into adulthood and, provided you grow in power, you will deal with these issues and perhaps be successful where your parent wasn't.
In these cases, you have to look at what you are doing that your parents taught you, because you sat there and watched them, and they moulded you in their image.

These things can be a diamond in the rough, because they are the stuff of ascension.


This is why cord cutting is important – you are automatically energetically corded to anyone you interact with.

If you sit in a room with people who are annoyed, angry, complaining, well, guess what. Either you will end up joining them or you will walk away, probably annoyed as well. Negativity begets negativity. Be careful who you hang out with because negativity is contagious. If you are in a negative room, draw in positive Light energy through your crown chakra and release it into the room, preferably to all the people in it. This may change the vibration of the room. If not, leave, but keep drawing positive energy into yourself.

You can also use the violet flame to transmute negative energy in the room.

Free floating energy can sometimes be seen as dark blobs in the air. Send this energy the violet flame to transmute it. We are a very negative planet with much of this stale energy floating about, or with spots on the earth that are negatively charged. And if you doubt that, go into that old house that everyone says is haunted, the one with the boarded up windows and ivy growing all over the bricks.

These energies can change your mood as well.


By the way, for those of you going through ascension right now, feeling terrible, having days you can't get out of bed, wanting to die because you feel so awful – the incoming light is expunging the negative energy blocks from your system, among other things, and it is ridding you of your shadow. That is the only way you can rise to 5D frequency – to rid yourself of any negativity you harbour. You may find yourself instantly being able to deal with things differently, or waking up and thinking more positively than you ever have had in your life. Your kundalini is awakening and clearing out anything standing in the way of your becoming homo universalis.

You have a choice: go through feeling this way until you finally are cleansed of all of it, or consciously do your shadow work and rid yourself of these negative blocks in a less painful way than having them taken out of you. What makes them less painful? The fact that you are willing. When you are willing to do something rather than resisting doing something, there is always less resistance to the process and it's the resistance to change that really hurts, not the change itself. In fact the changes you will see in yourself will be improvements.

One more comment, I might add.... if you think life is about going to work and doing your every day things and not looking at yourself, just functioning on autopilot, I feel sorry for you. You will probably stay on the lower timelines. Right now we are in a space of time where people are being asked to stand up for themselves. Only empowered people will go to 5D; those who never challenge the system will stay on the lower A.I. timelines. In challenging the system, you have no choice but to look at yourself and your beliefs.

Written by Sharon and Ivo

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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Shadow Work is Easy! | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Shadow Work is Easy! | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 9/10/2021 11:49:00 PM Rating: 5

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