Sunday, September 19, 2021
Love Yourself More | Matt Kahn
(Golden Age of Gaia)
If you were meant to be one way all the time, it would already be that way.
You are love in physical form, not someone needing to prove how heart-centered you are.
Perhaps each imperfection is not actually a problem to solve, but an opportunity to offer greater love and self-compassion to the parts crying out for acceptance.
As these parts are accepted versus defeated, greater self compassion is able to fill the hearts of all through the authentic love you choose to offer yourself.
As you love yourself more, not less, each imperfection matures into a higher vibration of emotional expression. Not because you worked hard to make it so, but because you ventured so deeply into self-acceptance, each imperfection has nothing more to teach you when greeted as a welcomed guest.
This may help you remember, love is not feeling one way all the time. It is a willingness to be aware of the love you desire, the attention you require, and acceptance you crave that comes from within — whether you are in a position to offer it now or at a later date.
If love is perfect, it is only in its immaculate precision to reveal so perfectly, all that is here to be faced, felt, and embraced within you.
But this is not a contest. There is no pass or fail.
There’s no such thing as “hurry up and learn your lessons so better things can happen faster”.
No one misses a window of opportunity or can ever be left behind.
There are only more ways to love yourself, whether you wish to love, are ready to love, or would love to be beyond it.
This is why, if you were meant to be one way all the time, it would already be that way.
All For Love,