Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Life Can Turn on a Dime | Heavenletters #4906
Life Can Turn on a Dime | Heavenletters
SEP 21 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Beloveds, I think of things to say right now that are corny. The darkest hour is before the dawn. Every cloud has a silver lining. There is a bluebird of happiness in your back yard.
This may be a good time in your life to adhere to all the expressions that seem banal to you. Let the sky be your umbrella on a rainy rainy day. Life can turn on a dime.
I am aware that many of My children are feeling discombobulated, even lost, immobilized, not knowing what direction to take and not knowing how to take any direction at all, perhaps feeling that they are incapable of taking any direction even if they knew what direction to take, feeling low on the totem pole, feeling: “What is the use of anything.” You may feel you are being tested and that you’re not doing very well.
If you are feeling like this about now, I tell you to hang on, even if it is by a thread. If you have to sit hard times out, then sit them out.
Of course, you would like a pat on the back. You would like a cheerleader about now. You would like manna from Heaven, and here I am giving you platitudes.
Beloveds, the world is changing, and you have to roll with the punches. There are growing pains, for you and for the world. You do know what that means. It means you are growing. Of course, you don’t have to have growing pains in order to grow. If you are uptight, you have resistance.
The good thing about feeling glum is that, if you can feel glum, you can also feel unglum. You might say that you would be a fool right now to feel unglum, but be a fool then. Better a fool than a dour realist of note.
You may not see any end in sight, yet there is always an end in sight. Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile.
Some platitudes are not true. A near miss is as good as a mile is not true. Wash your hands of whatever it is that may or may not be true. Don’t give up on life – this is true.
Here you are, going through the willy-nillies, the heeby-jeebies, and I am having a good time playing around with words. Tell Me, am I getting you to smile? A little bit?
If I were a physical being, I would tickle your toes, pinch your cheeks, pat you on the head. I would get you a pound of candy. I would get you a shiny new pair of shoes. I would lift you up and swing you around, and you would say “Whee.” I would tickle you under your chin. I would sit you on My lap, and I would make up some stories to get your mind off what ails you.
What ails you matters and doesn’t matter at the same time.
We would dance together, and I would take you for a walk in the park. Before I was finished with you, I would have you laughing and jumping for joy. It’s true that anything is possible. And anything is possible for you.
Make merry. Today is not forever, yet Eternity is, and you are made of love, and miracles exist. Expect some. Be ready for them.
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