Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Dreaming with the Mother | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, September 15, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

The Mother once made an interesting comment. We were discussing dimensions in a personal reading through Linda Dillon and she made the aside: “My desire — and therefore it shall be…. (1)

“And therefore it shall be.” Wow. The significance of that aside.

Can we look a little more deeply at the Mother and the power of her desire?

In 2019, she elaborated a bit:

“I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not my plan then it will not occur.” (2)

How do things occur? She tells us:

“As soon as I dream something, it is done. … When I dream, it is. (3)

Oh boy. She tells us that we can do this as well:

“When you dream in that full spectrum, it absolutely has the power to be.” (4)

And then she makes a point which may be lost on us in first reading:

“The whispers, the dreams, the secrets of your sweet heart are you dreaming with me.” (5)

I have to take this in two pieces. First, when she says “the whispers, the dreams, the secrets of your sweet heart,” I think she’s referring to the “heart” not in a personal but a collective sense.

The heart is not only connected to us via the hridayam or heart aperture, but it’s connected to … well, I really haven’t explored that yet so I can’t say.

But we’re told it’s connected to everyone and the All. Jesus says it best:

“The center [is] not only of the heart of love, of Mother/Father One, but … your center. … Know that the center and your center have no differentiation.” (6)

So there’s a pathway that leads from our everyday consciousness through the hridayam to our heart, which is itself a portal that leads all the way back to the Mother/Father One.

Second, when she says “you dreaming with me,” she’s telling us how and when we connect. She elaborates:

Dreaming performs an essential function of creation. Think of it almost as the beginning phase of intent but more than that, my sweet angels, it is where we conjoin. It is where we are truly, blissfully together. It is where our energies are merging, dancing, waltzing, hip-hopping together. …

You step forth to bring forth my dream. …

[Dreaming] is where the mutuality comes to you. (7)

Interesting. I think, as we know more about the consciousness state that the Mother calls “dreaming,” we might understand more about how this mutuality of creation occurs.

What happens when the Mother has a desire? Michael tells us.

“When the Mother has a desire, it is an intention that stretches out from her essence and being into infinity and everything and everybody lines up – because that is the Love.” (8)

A Being who can do this is beyond our grasp, as she reminds us: “My essence … is far beyond what you can imagine.” (9)

Sanat Kumara, Universal Logos, tells us how the Company of Heaven regard her:

“If you were to think of it in human terms, she is the boss. She is the beginning. She is the end. She is the All. And So while there are many of us who are involved in this undertaking and process of restoration, understand, it is always in accordance with her plan, with the plan, and always in accordance with Universal Law.

“So nothing that we undertake in her name, or even in the name of Gaia or humanity or any of the councils, is permitted to go forward unless it is in alignment with that overall plan.” (10)

Lest you feel overwhelmed at the thought of serving so sublime a Being, Archangel Michael gives us a handy rule of thumb to help us know whether we’re on track in our service of her:

“When your heart is clear, not simply your mind, but your heart and your fields – because if your heart is clear, your fields become clear – then you are in direct alignment and service to the Mother and there can be no mis-step.” (11)

That’s good to know.

I’m getting progressively more and more glimpses that my fields may become clear. It’s hoving into view as a possibility. A decade ago I would not have even recognized the possibility.

Certainly the CoH is pouring on the gas which is what’s bringing all of this cleansing and elevation about.

I must add before closing that those of us here to serve the Divine Mother are under her protection. (12)

So, if you’re a lightworker, this is the One at the helm, the Commander-in-Chief. No power on, under, or above Earth is able to circumvent her Will.


(1) “The Divine Mother: The Table is Set; You are Ready for the Dance,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Sept. 18, 2014, at

(2) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.

(3) The Divine Mother on Heavenly Blessings, May 2, 2017 at

(4) Loc. cit.

(5) Loc. cit.

(6) Jesus in Linda Dillon, The New You. Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Port St. Lucie: Council of Love, 2013.

(7) The Divine Mother on Heavenly Blessings, May 2, 2017, ibid.

(8) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at

(9) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012 at

(10) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at

(11) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 11, 2013.

(12) Steve: I know that a lot of our listeners would like to hear from you your answer to the following question – are Lightworkers who deal in foreign currency for the purposes of irrigating planet Earth and undertaking the various programs like ridding the world of pollution, hunger, and poverty protected from things like kidnappings, torture etc?

Divine Mother: Yes.

I can elaborate. Let go of the fear, first and foremost. Because as you know, the fear halts and freezes and destroys – eats like acid – it destroys trust, and it also is the freezing mechanism that stops you from going forward.

Now the short answer is yes. …

Having encouraged you to go forth, having provided the mechanisms for that to occur, do you really think in our divinity, in our family, that we are going to arrange for a rogue bandit to harm you? You are mightily protected!

You often say, “What is the Company of Heaven doing?” Well, you can rest assured – we are protecting you. That is a promise.

Steve: Thank you Mother. I’m sure that will have a lot of people relax more. The handling of money is going to raise enough problems unto itself without having to worry about that one. (“Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: New Year’s Message 2017,” Dec. 31, 2016 at