Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Choose | Heavenletters #2572

Choose | Heavenletters

SEP 22 2021

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

Beloveds, you don’t have to learn the hard way. Get that idea out of your mind. It is better to think that making your way in life is easy. This one thought alone will add glow to your life.

Of course, life is easy. There is nothing to it. You just inhale and exhale and go on your merry way.

Begin to think how enjoyable life is and how much joy it gives you and how you are ready and willing for all the joy that life holds. Is it not true that you are ready for more and greater joy? That is honest. Do not think that honesty means noting everything to complain about. Complaining may be honest. Keep that honesty to yourself.

You can be honest and still pass by some things, such as complaint. It is not dishonest to keep silent when silence is golden. You do not have to express every thought in your head. Not at all. Of course, do express the honest thoughts that will stir happiness in another.

Do you have any idea how much inspiration is needed in this world of fact and fiction? You must know it is better to inspire and uplift than to cite every instance of displeasure or any instance of displeasure. You do not need to hang all your clothes on the line.

Displeasure and appreciation are two different vibrations. What vibration do you want to receive and what vibration do you want to give? Is there an exception to this? Do you ever really want to be pulled down or pull anyone else down? Is there ever a time really that you don’t want to inspire others? You like it when you inspire others. Be inspired yourself, and your inspiring others will be automatic. Joy is true and displeasure is false.

There is the sunny side of the street, and there is the shady side. Which do you choose? What would you choose if you thought about it? Beloveds, even at high noon on the hottest summer day, choose the sunny street. Choosing what you want is an option you have.

Perhaps you feel all you have had is suffering. Perhaps you feel you deserve suffering, and that in this life you are serving a penance. Perhaps you have accused and found yourself guilty of karma. Perhaps you feel unhappiness is your destiny. Perhaps you believe you made a contract before coming into this birth, and that’s how your life is to be, and there is nothing you can do about it. Balderdash.

Beloveds, even if you signed a contract, you can change that contract. Perhaps you are to learn that there is nothing in the way of joy in your life. Contracts can be torn up. You can have different thoughts in your mind that yield you a different life, a happier one.

Perhaps if you live in muddied waters, you can move. You can remove yourself from it. Or perhaps you can clear it yourself by dint of your desire. Perhaps you have only been dreaming, beloveds. And now you awake from a long sleep. You rub your eyes, and glory is before you, radiant effulgent glory, yours for the taking.

If there is only this moment of Eternity, then where can karma lie? I know the idea of karma is popular. When you are suffering, you can shrug your shoulders and say, “This is how it is.” You may be suffering now, but there is not one law in Heaven or Earth that says you must. Days of obligation are over. You do not have to have one more whit of suffering. You can choose off the menu what you want life to stir up for you. You have choice. Now choose.

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