Tuesday, August 10, 2021

When you Genuinely Ask, We Can Respond | Alcazar Quotes

"When You Genuinely Ask, We Can Respond"

Change is happening. Freedom is happening. It is happening to those who can allow themselves to start believing in a whole new potential for their lives. Whether you are a teenager or whether you are in your 90’s, change is possible for you; it does not matter how long you have been struggling with a particular limitation. It can change. The mind says, “Oh, I have had it for so long, it will be impossible to change.” And if the mind says that, then you are making it impossible.

Or you could say, “I have been struggling with this for so many years. Now, I am ready to let it go. Now I am calling for help.” When you genuinely ask, Beloveds, we hear you. When you genuinely ask, we can respond. And so we will help you in understanding what it is you need to let go of and how you can let it go. Sometimes, Beloved Ones, it is not always the reason that you think. Sometimes there is another trigger, another cause for that limitation, and so simply broaden your perspective about the limitation. Ask, “Is there something else I need to understand in order to be free? Is there something else I need to understand in order to change right now?”

– Alcazar

Becoming Superconscious, 2021 - Day 71