Walking in the Woods | Heavenletters
AUG 12 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Of what use are turmoil and heartache? The only good turmoil and heartache can give is to point you to beauty and peace. Enough of the ravages of heartache and turmoil, and you will look to see something else. You will have enough of one thing and welcome something better.
For a while, you have been in the woods. You have walked through brambles. You have crossed dry streams. You have been assaulted by mosquitoes. You have tripped over rocks, and all that which you have given your attention to. Perhaps your original intention was to find delicious morels in the woods, and you saw none.
Now you turn your attention away from the foibles of walking in the woods. You focus on finding plump juicy morels. You take your mind off the mosquitoes and such. They will be there, yet you are not paying mind to them now, not so much anyway. Now you are like Sherlock Holmes except that you are looking for clues that point to morels.
You are on the lookout for morels, and you find them. You find fields of mushrooms, and you pick them. You enjoyed thinking of morels, and you enjoyed spotting them. You enjoyed putting them in your basket, and you enjoy thinking of the savory meal before you. You have found so many mushrooms that you will inevitably share them. Everyone in your home and perhaps in your neighborhood will get a whiff of those luscious mushrooms being browned on your stove.
Instead of being on the lookout for disturbance, you were on the lookout for morels. And that made all the difference in the world.
Look not for fault, and the odds are in your favor that you will find blessings. And if fault seems to find you, well, then, shake it off as you might a fly, and continue on your journey. Truly, beloveds, your life depends more upon what you are looking for than it does on what you come across.
Did you hear Me? The question isn’t about what you find. The question is about what you are looking for. Even if there are plagues and pestilence, your eyes are on something else. And that makes all the difference in the world.
You may be thirsty. Nevertheless, as you walk through the woods, you are looking for water, not thirst. You are thirsty just the same, and you listen for the sound of a brook.
You may be hungry. You are not looking to be hungry. You are looking for blueberries, plump, luscious blueberries. Along the way you can still enjoy the iris and lady slippers you see. Along the way, you can enjoy.
Perhaps your environment is more like a mall and boutiques. You are thinking more of what you are looking for than what you are not looking for. Perhaps you are looking for a skirt. You will see plenty of items along the way that you are not looking for, but so what? You are looking for a skirt.
You are, in other words, looking to be pleased. You are not looking to be displeased. The search for joy is on. The search for less than joy is off.
And as you shop, turn on words of joy, and turn off words of displeasure. “Look at that wonderful skirt,” you say. It may be too small or too big for you, and yet you saw signs of land. Be inspired to keep looking. Never again will you say, “That’s my luck. I find the skirt I want, and it doesn’t fit.”
Beloveds, I am asking you to learn a new language. I am asking you to form new words. I am asking you to emphasize one thing and not another.
Someone may say to Me, “But, God, it’s true. It’s a fact. The skirt doesn’t fit.”
And I say, “Beloved, what’s that got to do with it? When you highlight that the skirt is too short, you are highlighting what does not give you happiness. Not only are you highlighting displeasure, you are highlighting the past, the past, beloved.”
Remember you are on a search for what you want. You are not looking for a conclusion to arrive at.
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Walking in the Woods | Heavenletters #3260
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/12/2021 09:51:00 PM