Transforming Judgment
This process of raising and maintaining a higher vibration slowly, slowly allows us to access more and more of this greater reality. And so, our intention is to understand the process, but also to understand what brings us back down from this highest state. One of those energetics that we've all been programed into, which lowers our vibration, is judgment. Our societies have trained us to judge, to judge each other and what's even worse, to judge yourself and to judge your bodies. It's really important to be aware of the automatic, unconscious judgment that happens in your daily life that brings your vibration down. So, have the intention of noticing when these certain judgments, the subtle programing, comes into your life. Catch it and change it. So, if you find yourself making a judgment about someone, notice that. Catch it. Then find something of a higher frequency, something positive you can connect with in that person and express that either internally or externally. Find something to elevate your energy again.
– Prageet
Accelerated Ascension, Day 2 - Session 2