The Killing Blow | Catherine Viel

By Catherine Viel, August 17, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

August 16, 2021

The spider, juiced crystal and Milky Way, drifts on his web through the night sky
And looks down, waiting for us to ascend…

~Charles Wright, Spider Crystal Ascension

The act of extermination has been on my mind lately, no doubt because of the ants that have invaded our home and our lives.

I tried the touchy-feely thing, talking with Gaia. I tried to command the ants to leave.

Perhaps a true spiritual adept, of whatever school, could manage this feat energetically.

But I, ordinary human that I profess to be, was stymied.

Time to call in the professional killers.


Knowing that help was at hand allowed me to feel peaceful for the first time in a month. Someone is going to get rid of the ants. It won’t be instantaneous, but it will get done.

I was complacently congratulating myself on this as I did a little TLC on the patio. I was standing next to the back door, broom in hand, thinking of what to do next, when…

The biggest black widow spider I’ve ever seen dropped down on a silver thread and paused at eye level two feet away, glittering black legs rapidly weaving her web of death, the fluorescent red hourglass turned prominently toward me.

Holy crapola.

Chemical intervention seemed prudent. I got a can of Raid and sprayed the heck out of it. And for good measure whacked it repeatedly with the broom.

Those spiders are big and resilient. They don’t die easy. I felt no qualms about my ferocious response; something inimical dangled at our back door and I had zero compunction about using lethal force.

Sometimes, negotiating with an attacker seems the best approach for all concerned. Attempt to communicate with the ants…ask them to go away…wait a week or two. Use deterrents like vinegar to make surfaces unappealing.

If none of that works, only then exterminate.

The black widow, on the other hand, called for immediate action and received the killing blow within seconds of discovery.


Because everything can be a metaphor on some level, it wasn’t long before I started thinking about the globalists and their extermination plans for humanity.

For a long time I considered them somewhat on a level with the ants. Reason with them, ask them to leave, make my home unpalatable to them. Don’t put out the welcome mat or give them an opening to interfere with my life.

I had faith that the positively inclined alliance of humanity (and whoever else is helping us) would succeed in routing the negatively inclined factions during the battle for Planet Earth. That is the foreordained outcome that most following the Ascension storyline adhere to.

Then the equivalent of the black widow spider in the guise of Covid was released upon humanity, and interference came knocking at my door.


At what point does extermination seem to be the only option to stop this globalist narrative from destroying the world?

I am well aware of the viewpoint that using extermination to prevent our own extermination only perpetuates the energetic and spiritual miscues that contributed to everything going awry in the first place.

The axiom seems to be that if we use war in an attempt to create peace, we end up with the paradox of a sham peace achieved through wielding its opposite. For that reason, as well as others, I can’t wish annihilation upon those who attempt to exterminate me.

Besides, the local emissaries of the dark are fellow members of my community, not enemy soldiers.

She is the doorkeeper at the clinic who tells me to put a mask on before I can receive healthcare services. He watches the door at the grocery store and tells me I must mask up to be permitted to purchase food.

Most employees have to wear masks for their entire shifts. I’m not going to make their lives even harder by citing the Civil Rights Act or demanding to see a supervisor, tactics sometimes encouraged by proponents of health care freedom.

If the restrictions and mandates escalate, I may have to change my pacifism to urban warrior mode. I see that line in the sand, but I don’t think I have to step over it quite yet.


Fear wishes to rule me. Fear is the internal emissary of the darkly inclined would-be global rulers.

Though I am not a bloodthirsty marauder, I do want to deliver a killing blow. I wish to exterminate this fear. I wish to disown it and send it packing.

I take a deep breath. I smile. I tuck one last scrap of the trailing miasma of fear into that battered old suitcase, and shove it out the door. I send it to the Light and ask that it be transmuted.

And I settle into the peaceful presence of Now, where the benevolent sun always gleams.

The Killing Blow | Catherine Viel The Killing Blow | Catherine Viel Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/17/2021 10:10:00 PM Rating: 5

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