Sunday, August 8, 2021

That Which Uplifts the World | Heavenletters #2504

That Which Uplifts the World | Heavenletters

AUG 7 2021

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

A cloudy day is a cloudy day. It is better to not read great significance into it. Cloudy days come and go. There are more days that are sunny. From a cloudy day, a bright day will arise. When you think of the cloudy days, you will feel glum. When you think of the bright days, you will feel sunny.

Your disposition depends upon what you think about.

Favor the sunny days. Let go of the clouds.

There is grievance in the world. There is trouble. There is unhappiness. There is crime. But to think of grievance, trouble, and unhappiness is its own crime. To let the untoward usurp the goodness, gentleness, and happiness in the world is a crime. It is certainly putting the wrong foot forward.

Nudge your thoughts to the greatness of humanity that also exists. Good stories are made from all the friction and tension that man has conceived of. A good life, however, is made from all the thoughts that support a good life. Can this be said more simply? Stop thinking about the ills of the world. Think of that which uplifts the world. Be generous with your thoughts of the world. Desire goodness, and let your thoughts contribute to it.

There are houses that have been built poorly. When you are going to build a house, you wouldn’t think about poorly-made houses when you can think of well-made ones? There are cakes that didn’t come out right. When you are going to bake a cake, you would think about cakes that were successes. It is obvious what is in your own best interest to think of.

Yet why do My children persist in thinking about the worst of the world rather than the best? Is the best not also here? What you think about, you multiply. Think of what you want to multiply and let go of the rest. You do not need to build artifices to the upheaval in the world. You do not need to inform the world of its faults. Better to build temples to the peace in the world. Better to inform the world of its blessings and its ability to bless. Reveal the friendliness of the world and let go of the hostility. Certainly do not feed it. Give your attention to that which you want. Is that really so hard?

You have had attention enough on the ills of the world. You have fed them well. Now pay tribute to the health and goodness of the world. Your thoughts will be like rose petals. Your thoughts will be like a river stream. The river stream does not pay attention to the flotsam. It pays attention to where it is going. It just keeps going along. It does not divert from its path. In peace or in war, the river stream goes forward and is not diverted from its purpose.

Let your mind be a river stream. Carry treasures to safety, and leave the rest alone. The river does not put forth effort to destroy the jetsam. It puts forth its intention to carrying steamboats to safety.

The world is your baby. Pay attention to how you carry it. Pay attention to what you feed it. Nourish the world with your thoughts. Your attention is powerful, and the world deserves your positive attention. Give generously of it. From this moment forward, give your love to the world. It has had enough of criticism. It already knows its imperfections. Now point out to the world its good points. Give the world a good hug and kiss. Help the world to smile on all.

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