Stronger Than Hope | Heavenletters
AUG 11 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Be more than hopeful. Hopefulness is little better than hopelessness. How apologetic is hopefulness! It is very wimpy. It is lukewarm. It is undefined. Hope is like wishful thinking, and I have told you that your thoughts are powerful.
Hope is for when you bet on a horse and would like it to win. Hope is all you can do when you are in the stands watching. You, My beloveds, are far more than a bystander who has no say. You are an inciter.
I suggest you urge hope on as you would a horse you yourself are riding. Feel the horse’s sinews under you, feel the galloping gate, feel the wind on your face, be the horse reaching the winning line by a nose or a mile. Clop, clop. Hear the hooves of your hopes as they reach you.
Trade in hope for certainty. Why not? Certainty costs no more.
In your heart, desire and decide that what you desire is already on its way to you. You heard the hoof beats. What you desired was already on its way to you. Therefore, you thought to desire it. Then you helped it along. Certainly, you did. Your desires do not find you napping.
You can keep your certainty to yourself. You do not need to tell everyone or anyone about your influence in the world. Just know within yourself.
Know that when your true love arrives, your thoughts were instrumental. You were a factor. Your thoughts certainly were more vital than listless hope. Know in your heart that when peace is declared, you brought it to the world’s attention because you saw it coming.
How far are you looking and how far can you see? See farther than you do now. See around the bend.
You do not control life, yet you hold the reins — lightly. You don’t pull and tug. The reins of life are in your hands as simply and effortlessly as your palms. Certainty is like that. It is just there, belongs there, and can’t be anywhere else than right where it is. Is certainty faith? Certainty is an angle and an anchor in life. Your thoughts hold it. Attend to where your thoughts go and what thoughts you have a preponderance of.
If no one thought of war, could it exist?
If fear had not been invented, would there be any?
If ego hadn’t strode boldly across the world, would you have it?
Draw the sunshine of your thoughts to you. Think of all the marvelous things you can think. You know what they are. Such thoughts eagerly quicken your heart in joy. Right now you feel the quickening. There is an avalanche of love ready to land on you, for you have yodeled love throughout the universe, and you are ready to catch it.
Be bold in certainty. Certainty is knowing that the sun shines and it shines for all. Is there a doubt? Beyond a doubt, there is certainty.
The details of a precluded event you will not know. You may not know when or where. You may not know how. It is not for you to know how. It is for you to desire. Desire now the certainty of your desires. Desire certainty so you can walk through life unperturbed. Desire certainty so you walk through life like a King or Queen of a splendid domain called Certainty, where all bedraggled doubt has left, not banished, but left of its own accord. Doubt knows it has no place in Certainty.
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