Friday, August 20, 2021

Remember that you are Immortal | Heavenletters #2461

Remember That You Are Immortal | Heavenletters

AUG 20 2021

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

You have a temple to Me in your heart. You lay love at the altar. You know what offering to give, and so you offer love like a dozen long-stemmed roses. You have removed all the thorns. Only the roses of love remain. There is no substitute for love, beloveds. There is nothing else I want, only love. And, so, you place long-stemmed roses of love on the altar within your heart. All the shoes of your thoughts are left outside so that your heart may remain pure. Only love has safe passage to your heart. Anything else is an intrusion. Old shoes are old shoes. They have no value to you now.

I don’t want you to make apologies, nor have misgivings of any kind. I certainly don’t want your guilt. I want you to abandon guilt. You don’t need guilt to steer your heart by. Guilt is a man-made convention. It is a ploy, a magician’s trick. It takes your mind away from love.

Sprinkle water on the roses in your heart, and see how refreshed they become. Guilt would like to dry up your heart and bind you to itself. Guilt creates a lot of drama, yet guilt is not a right action for you. Love is.

If you were unkind once, now you will be kind. You will be kind to all of My children. There is not one Human Being on Earth who is not My child. There is not one living being that I did not father. There is not one child who is not connected to My heart. All children are of My heart, and I bless all. If I can bless, why, then, why not you? If Christ saw wholeness rather than lepers, why not you? What makes you think you are entitled to see otherwise?

The humanity in your heart is to grow. It is to blossom like roses. When you list all the logical reasons why you think you have to be restrictive or unkind, not one of them is a valid excuse for not choosing love. Remember the love I speak of is not lovey-dovey. It is impartial, however. It embraces all, tall or short, and all the other things, all the non-reasons you give to be less than the love you are. You hold yourself apart from humanity, and think you are above all. You would not hurt a flea, you say, yet you feel forced by reason to swat at some members of humanity.

You worry about what would happen if you loved all. You are afraid the world would fall apart. Beloveds, when all give love, the world, as you know it, will most assuredly fall apart. It will fall apart in order to become new. Applaud the falling apart. Applaud the end of a regime that excludes any of My children, a regime that puts law above heart, and gives a dozen reasons why. Give a dozen roses instead, beloveds. To deny rights and privileges to anyone is to deny the heart. Do not deny your heart in the name of survival.

Remember that you are immortal. Politics do not have to survive. Races of men do not have to survive. Borders do not have to survive. All the man-made delineations – why would you want them to survive?

Cast your ballot for love, and be ready to uphold love. You will have many occasions to give it, beloveds. Practice now.

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