(Golden Age of Gaia)
August 13, 2021, via email
The Lion’s Gate
We are on the precipice of un-quantifiable change. We’re entering an unknown that is intangible, which was built upon the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of the entire Collective that calls Gaia home.
Due to the energy afforded by the opening of the Lion’s Gate, we now have the ability to affect the evolution of this planet through a powerful window of manifestation. It will remain open until the end of August, and I plea to all of you to use this time wisely as we can now change the course of our destiny.
Now is the time to keep our thoughts, words, actions and feelings congruent, because if they’re all aligned, the reality we desire to witness will be invoked in our reality. See, feel and know that Gaia and all of Her inhabitants are living in harmony, balance and homeostasis. Witness this happening in the here and now, with all of your senses.
If you are fearful, you will create fear. If you are anticipating, you will create anticipation. I encourage you to now reject that which does not elevate you, encourages you to pause or does not promote the Betterment of All. Elevate yourself to a state of Joy, Love and Gratitude, and you will create that which brings you Joy, Love. and Gratitude. We all know this, but now the celestial energies can assist us in new and magnificent ways to bring about the change and reality we all know is possible.
We can also use this time to create the reality we desire for ourselves. Envision it, feel it through your Heart and take the tangible actions needed to bring about the reality you desire. Through these selfish actions and desires, we elevate us All simply because if each individual is happy, we all are happy.
Manifest Like a Super Hero | Jean Rockefeller
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/14/2021 11:54:00 PM