Good Soul | Heavenletters
AUG 5 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
The world looks for superlatives. Who is the fairest of all? Who is the smartest of all? Who is the most foolish of all? Who is the biggest? Who is the smallest? Who wins what in the Guiness Book of Records? Who becomes Miss America in one year and then is forgotten soon enough?
What does any of this matter? What is all this but a passing fancy. Enjoy as you enjoy, yet what matters any of this to your soul? Now, listen, your soul likes you. Your soul enjoys you. In this way, your soul enjoys your distractions. It makes the best of the ride you take together. All the while, your soul beckons you toward a grander frontier. Will you come?
You carry your soul within you, yet you can also consider that it is your soul who carries you. Your soul jaunts off with you beyond the commonplace. The soul – your soul – is not always nourished in this land of Earth that sometimes feels far away from even acknowledging the existence of soul. Your soul doesn’t weigh much in terms of the gravity-filled world. You can’t wrap your soul in gold. You can’t even wrap your soul in aluminium foil.
Your soul doesn’t have interest in gold or food or all the matters – even the serious life-saving matters – that your mind and body are presently indentured to. Your mind and body are alert to danger and risk. Your soul is alert to God and a whole realm that you hardly dream of.
There is an expression in the world something like “Not able to save my soul for the life of me.” Your mind and body aren’t exactly avid about saving your soul. Your mind is busy, and your body is concerned with saving its skin!
For one thing, as a matter of practice, your soul doesn’t need saving. You may have thought otherwise. You accepted a verdict somewhere along the line. I am inclined to say that you can use some saving as you mean to expand your worldly horizons, not your soul. There isn’t very far that your body can go. Even if you travel to the planets, your body and mind are well-attached and remain bounded so long as you see no further. In contrast, your soul can travel anywhere, and that means anywhere.
Your heart is in Mine, and My heart is in yours. I want to say that your soul is Our Eternal Connection wherever your body is or has been or what state you are in, yet Our Connection goes beyond body and mind to heart and soul. How connected are Heart and Soul? They do seem to go together. They stay together. Heart and Soul are of the same mind, so to speak.
The world has a mighty part in the whole scheme of things. The world is not to be fluffed off. The world has a meaning. The physical world is powerful. It wants to be inhabited by all kinds of living things, including human beings. You are the Highest of My Manifest Creations. I populated the world with you and asked you to take care of My Beautiful World.
There is more to the world than the surface of it. In the same way, there is more to you than the surface of you. There is more to everything than its apparent surface. Your body is actually made of swirling atoms. There is more than the physical heart. The physical heart goes back to dust. Is your Heart equivalent to your soul? Is it another side of your soul? It doesn’t matter. You know what a loving heart is. Your soul is Infinite and does not get carried away the way your heart may. All souls are good souls.
Therefore, the Truth of you cannot stray except on the surface. You are made of a good soul that has stood the tests of time. Good soul, good soul, you travel wide and far.
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Good Soul | Heavenletters #5242
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/05/2021 09:59:00 PM