Friday, August 27, 2021

Going No Further… for Now | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, August 27, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

What I’m seeing is that it doesn’t serve anything for me to go off on a single issue.

My more pressing job is to maintain an overview and interpret to the newly-awakened, from a boots-on-the-ground perspective (with help from the Company of Heaven), what’s going on in the world – the much wider world than the one we see.

I need to produce literature for ease of consultation on the major shifts occurring and what the higher dimensions feel like. I say the latter because our lives, if we really look, seem to be about how we feel – we seem to spend them seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.

Well, I know darn well that we’re going to be feeling marvellous. It’s only getting through the time between now and then that requires our strong and steady hand.

Mass executions don’t reveal a strong and steady hand. I’m surprised I even need to say a word on the subject.


This was for me the first really jangling news coming out of the Alliance, and I immediately feel (because this is what the CoH pays me to report) cognitive dissonance. A war is being fought inside me. The conversation goes like this:

Whom can you trust? I really don’t like the way the tribunals are reportedly being run. Do I stand for the truth only when it advances my own interests?

I’m not OK with standing up to the cabal (1) and yet turning a blind eye to our own mistaken policies. That’s the self-serving bias and it’s a dense energy.

Enough said. I need to not fixate. The Lord Arcturus counselled me:

Lord Arcturus: Promote no one, dear one. Promote only the truth. Yes, it is time to stay out of politics if you would do this work on the higher level that you seek and are ready for. …

You are getting lost in the miasma of illusion, hypnotized by human conditions that in and of themselves have no power. (2)

And Michael cautioned:

Archangel Michael: You have stood at the edge of the fray and you have inserted not only rationality but a sense of balance and of light and of peace. So for this I commend you.

Steve: But go no further, right?

AAM: Yes. Because this has the energy of quicksand. It will suck you dry. (3)

If anything I have to be held back from wading into the fight. But I know that it’ll very quickly command my full attention if I get involved in it.


My vasanas (core issues) – the desire to wade into the fray and the feeling that I have to cover all the news bases – are going off.

I’d drop if I tried to cover the news. Because I know that, to free me up for producing literature, Suzi has agreed to take over for me, covering the news on Buy me a Coffee, Thank you, Suzi.”

I’m starting by updating a book on listening skills. The newly-awakened may need a lot of listening – not advice, but listening.

In leaving this topic, then, my most mature opinion is that, for our own spiritual and emotional health and well-being, we need to drop any policy we may have that’s resulting in what amount to mass executions.

Until I hear another such outrageous update or a confirmation of existing rumors, I’m returning to regular broadcasting.


(1) This blog was founded to fight the cabal: See “I Accuse!” Oct. 22, 2009, at Originally published in OpEdNews on October 18, 2008. Also: “High Noon,” October 29, 2009, at

(2) The Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Marilyn Raffaele, Dec. 12, 2020.

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 2, 2016.