Sunday, August 8, 2021
Dark Attacks and Ascension | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart
August 7, 2021
Just heard: Dark ones are stepping up their program to stop people from ascending.
Jabs are only what's on the surface, much more is being done behind the scenes.
I'll have to investigate this and get some strategies going.
Here's Ivo's advice to clear the area of demonic entities when you're going to channel:
"Before you channel, surround yourself in a shield of white light and ask anyone to step up to talk to you. These will be the dark entities.
Me: It's like going into a bar. The bad asses have the worst boundaries so they'll approach you first. The nice ones wait.
Ivo: Talk to these entities and send them love. Open your heart and love them. They will be repelled. In other words, clear your space and raise your frequency to fifth dimensional frequency before you take a message. You must take command of the process."
Dark entities HATE LOVE. They are HATE, a very low frequency version of LOVE. Very, very low. They're so low, they have to parasite energy from us in order to survive because to live independently they would die.
What they will do is try to scare you into fearing them, because then you will feed them their beloved loosh.
Don't do that. Instead shield yourself, open your heart and send them love energy. They'll run like the cowards they truly are.
Keep your vibration up while you're channeling. Otherwise they'll be back, looking for their loosh again. Ask the entity you're speaking to to help you to hold a higher frequency. They'll gladly give you their energy for the sake of getting a message through to you or to others on earth.
The dark ones are going to do all they can to stop you BECAUSE THEIR VERY EXISTENCE DEPENDS ON KEEPING YOUR VIBRATION DOWN. So don't let them keep it down. They can't hurt you.
I get Archons around here all the time at night. How I know is I can physically smell them, and they smell like garbage or vomit. I just send my divine helpers after them, problem solved, and I go back to sleep. I don't worry about them – never did.
The one thing we all need to do is to learn TO ASSERT OUR LIGHT, not to FEAR THE DARKNESS.
This is obviously one thing they're doing to stop our ascension. I've caught onto another one. What I saw once was an article that said when people meet at MUFON meetings, there are reptilian ships up above them, gassing them back into submission. I believe that. The thing I intuited was, “What if they're doing that to people who are protesting on the streets?” Wouldn't surprise me either.
Ivo: The way to deal with all of these circumstances is to come from the heart. When your heart is open and you feel loving energies flow out through your chakra, you are very protected. We have told you before, but it is worth repeating, to stay out of fear. Fear puts you on the lower timelines and makes you manipulatible by the dark forces. When your heart is open and you are loving towards all (unconditionally loving), even for a short time, your frequency is high enough that they cannot affect you. All they will do is run from you because they fear your light.
When you are protesting, do not protest those you hate, protest for what you love – for example protest for freedom, for humanitarianism, for equality and for fairness. Do not hate on a governor, a president or a prime minister because this simply feeds the negative timeline and strengthens it.
Use your mind in the same way.
You do not realize how strong your minds are.
Me: What are they doing unbeknownst to us, to hold back ascension?
Ivo: Within each of you personally, they do many things. Their usual tagging and implanting protocols have sped up.
Me: Yes, I noticed that.
Ivo: They are using dark magic techniques upon the lightworker forces of earth.
Me: Yes.
Ivo: They attempt to reverse the polarities within you all at high times of the year.
Me: That's why I've been experiencing these bad moods during the Lion's Gate?
Ivo: Yes. You are also transmuting many negative energies.
You are all certainly strong enough as a collective to neutralize these negative energies, and to neutralize their spells.
Tomorrow is 8/8 so this is the high point of their black magic. It will be carried out in many large churches, synagogues and temples throughout the world. Simply focus on such a building of your choice and send your highest divine love to it.
Me: And don't worry about visits from the dark ones. We're just beginning to become more aware of them, but they've been doing this all the time.
Ivo: Yes, correct.
Your light energy neutralizes all dark energy here upon earth. That is why they want you to keep your frequency down. Do not allow them, but expect resistance when your frequency rises.
Me: What I think is one trap that many people succumb to is the waiting game. They're sitting there waiting for something to happen. Well, don't. Go make something happen. Maybe they're waiting for fund money, maybe they're waiting for the economic reset, maybe they're waiting for whatever... don't wait. Take action now.
You can always take steps towards your divine purpose in life. Just start by doing service. Do any service. Go to a place that accepts volunteers. Get into the mindset you need to in order to align with your soul. Even if you don't know what your mission is, go and do some volunteer work.
Why wait to get all the answers before you start? Life's not like that. Life is messy. It's hit and miss. That's why you have spirit and ET guides, to help guide you.
Ivo: Correct. We were there when you were off track, my love.
Me: You were. And frankly the alternative you had to offer me didn't look to damned good from the outset, but I worked on it and made it into what it is now.
Ivo: Correct. That is how you do it. That is how you develop leadership abilities. That is how you recognize the strength within yourself. Not by waiting.
Me: Yup. Thank you Ivo. Just a short message today.
Ivo: Yes, you are very fatigued and you must rest.
Me: By the way, folks, personal channelings will be winding up for now. I don't have the stamina to do them for long.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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