Sunday, August 15, 2021

Create Miracles | Heavenletters #2333

Create Miracles | Heavenletters

AUG 15 2021

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

You call miracle that which appears to you unexpectedly, or appears to you for the first time. That’s why you are not in awe every day of the sun and the moon and the stars. You have seen them a thousand times, and you expect them to be there for you. Therefore, you forget about their miracleness.

The exception is birth. A million births, and each one is still a miracle. This is the way to view life. Otherwise, it seems that My children take life for granted.

Quite naturally, you want new miracles every day, and I want you to too. I say you can have them. Think miracle, beloved. Scatter miracles across the universe. Expect them without being attached. Direct them without being directive.

Consider, too, that you can create miracles for others. Sometimes all it takes is one kind word or one kind act. Let today be a day that you do something you have not done before, perhaps never thought of doing before. Let yourself become the miracle-bringer for others who may need miracles very much. Everyone on Earth could use a miracle. There cannot be too many miracles. There is always room for more. Make a miracle today. You can even give yourself one.

Be a spiller of miracles. Surprise yourself. Do something unexpected. You will, when you let go of the past. Then miracle-making would be what you do. You would have no backlog of resentments. You would not have previous thinking. You would be spontaneous, and all kinds of miracles would occur to you, and you would give them, and you would have them. You would trip over them. What a wonderful thing!

What would be a miracle today if it happened? What if you had smooth-flowing energy, energy unobstructed? What if you danced to the tune of love today? What if your house became a place of irresistible harmony? What if you cooked and cleaned today with amazing joy? What if everything made you happy? What if you drew happiness to you? What if you gave only happiness? What if the sun appeared today in your house, and when the sun goes down at dusk, your home stays lighted? What if you sprouted wings today?

What if you looked in the mirror and saw you were beautiful? What if you looked in the mirror of the world, and saw it was beautiful, too?

What if you were a new person today, your own person, rather than an accumulation of past thoughts?

What if today is the day I have set before you, and you could do anything you wanted with it? What if today is a clean slate for you to write on or paint on, and you have the choice of all the colors in the rainbow? What in the world is yours to paint? What if you can put roses on others’ cheeks and your own?

What if you are here on Earth to create? What would you create? How would you create it? And why not now?

What if you can set the tone of your day? What if you can make today a blessing, and a blessing for all.

What if this is the day you choose to be happy, and only happy?

What if this is the day you, and I mean you, know only happiness, and give only happiness gladly?

What if you are a happy person today? What would this mean to you? What would you possibly allow to stop you?

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