About 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master Plan in place to Ascend Earth. The Plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created Maritime Law making slavery the Law of the Land. A new Plan had to be made because the dark cabal had taken the Grand experiment beyond intentions. About 500 years ago the Rothchild’s in England hid the fact that Sir Francis Bacon was St. Germain incarnate on Earth. They had dark dealings with money and crimes which denied Sir Francis Bacon the throne. He would have been next in line as King of England and from that position able to make changes to heal the Planet and end Duality. In recent years the dark Cabal continued to wage worldwide war for their benefit, and have attempted multiple times to create World War III and have failed. Mass starvation, nuclear threats, land grabs, insider trading, mass psychological attacks like 9/11 and Banks too big to fail have led to a moment when the Galactic’s could intervene, because the one caveat in the Prime Directive has been violated beyond what is allowed.
What is new is that the Archangels led by Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron, initiated a Super Portal on 11.11.13. This is a special dispensation that will allow for the requirements to be met to bring on the “Event.’ Earth is a Trinary Star System with Sirius A, Sirius B and Sol our Sun. Jupiter will be the next Sun in our Solar System. Earth is in the Photon Belt and moving into the Pleiades through the Central Sun Alcyone. A Super Portal has opened near Jupiter and it is a portal which operates like a wormhole and opens into the Light Matter Universe of On. This Multidimensional Portal allows in Super Charged Magnetic Light from On to enter into this Solar System and to Earth. Earth has raised an entire Octave since the Equinox in September 2013, and the new energy will make it possible for Earth to enter Zero Point.
What is new about this Portal is a decision was made by the Council of Gods that Earth required this special dispensation as the best way to bring in changes. It carries with it a heavy reality. All has been done to allow as many Souls as possible to go on to New Earth. Since Earth is a Planet with Free Will, some have refused to make the necessary changes to remain on Earth beyond Earth’s Ascension into the Higher Realms. More Souls will be leaving than was anticipated. This is what Ashtar spoke of in a channel. The Super Portal is pouring in Higher Vibrational energies that act to buoy Earth into the Higher Dimensions. In these Higher Dimensions all living on Earth are able to access their Etheric Bodies and travel in their Merkaba Bodies and truly live multidimensional lives. In this High Energy the Light Cities will be accessible. Those not moving on to the New Earth will experience it as a vibration they cannot sustain within their 3D body.These darker denser energies will remain on 3D Earth and continue there. Their physical body will be projected on to 3D Earth and as far as they know no change has taken place. They will continue to deny the Higher Teachings and in their perception nothing will change. Those timelines will continue for now in duality.
Meanwhile 5D Earth will be raised by the Cosmic Builders as a Space Ship rises away from its take off point and flies out of its atmosphere into deep space. Each of the Planets are firmly anchored in place by their energy Grids in orbit and relation to the Planets around them. This Super Portal will have the effect of Earth moving Higher in the Dimensions in the same way we move a bead up a string. It will drop the old Timelines and become Lighter and will exist Higher in the Cosmic Grid, it will bubble up.
Much has been said by us about right timing. Divine Timing for the Event is one of the requirements. Ashtar always says No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. The truth is that there are windows of opportunity which come up only a couple of times a year in which the “Event’ can take place. This Super Portal speeds the changes in energy to make it possible for the “Event’ to take place. The likelihood that it will happen soon have been greatly raised since 11.11.13 with the Super Portal. If you are reading this and you repeatedly chosen to not take action and return to love, we will have to draw the line. If you have not been successful in raising your vibration to the minimum needed to sustain love you are invited to remain in duality awhile longer and rejoin Higher Dimensional Earth when you have prepared accordingly. There are no short cuts. Still there are No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. Nothing can stop Earth from Ascending.
All of the minimum needed requirements for survival will be freely given to all on Earth. All is prepared and ready to go and has been for some time. Homes for the Homeless, clean water, abundant food, replicators and healing technologies, free energy and more. This will be accomplished by millions of Galactic’s, and by their ships and the technologies they have brought here. This has been planned a very long time.
Archangel Michael:
As you can perceive, there is much unfolding across Earth. Each day produces surges forward and upward. Yes, often the duress of such profound change feels intense, so it is helpful to maintain the perspective that this is due to the huge energetic and practical accomplishments you are most assuredly achieving. Also, keep in your awareness that it is not Earth's past which dictates her future - and since that is true - then what does?
The past does not create the future. Isn't that good news?! Your current situation is not merely the momentum of your past rolling recklessly down the mountain of life, crushing everything in its path. Your present situation is not just a tally sheet of former wins and losses.
Yes, the momentum of your past decisions and cumulative choices plays a role in your ever-appearing present, yet it is your future that truly shapes and forms your now. How is that so?
Whenever you have a thought, it slings like an arrow through the air of space and time, landing in the Land of Intention, also known as The Future. A thought all by itself is not really very potent in the scheme of creation. It is when a thought becomes super-powered by the fuel of your feelings that a thought becomes a rocket of manifestation.
The rocket of your thought, powered by your emotions, lands in the future. Unless you change the thought, your life will be magnetized towards the fulfillment of the thought. This entire process occurs in the NOW eternal moment. The clearer your thought and the stronger your feelings, the more directly and potently your intention will manifest into waking reality.
If you were to muddy the creation slipstream with thoughts of doubt or worry, for example, and then superpower those thoughts with emotions of anxiety and fear, well you can see what would happen to the original thought. It becomes overrun with the confusing instructions of the newly launched aberrant thoughts which do not support your original intention at all. Chaos ensues, and the clear path to your dream becomes overrun with things you did not even want to experience.
Similar thought-forms which feed on this new vibration, now dog pile onto the situation, looking for an energetic meal. Without even realizing it, you have rung the dinner bell for low mind density.
Before you hardly know what's happening, you find yourself deluged with thoughts and emotions such as: disappointment, regret, hopelessness, confusion, anger, despondency, defeat, and many more. You become so overwhelmed it's almost impossible to recall the passion of your original dream much less figure out how to clean up this emotional mess.
The solution is remarkably simple and powerful. Your lightsaber of clean creation is choice. During any and every portion of your creation process you may make a different or a new choice. You may choose a fresh thought or you may choose again your original thought, and even more importantly you may choose a different or new feeling.
When you - once and for all - decide to choose your thoughts and feelings you will be sovereign, you will be free. It will no longer matter to you in a binding manor what is happening in the arising reality around you because you will be alive and at peace choosing your way through, up and out of the density jungle.
Long before Earth entered into its current descending spiral of experience, Father-Mother God sent out a rocketship of thought feeling creation into the future for all of Earth and every soul dwelling upon her.
The crystal clear thought empowered by their loving feelings was the prophesy which would land in Earth's future, eventually magnetizing every reality into its ultimate fulfillment. That prophesy by Father-Mother God is: Earth and all upon her will rise and be resurrected into the high Light of God once again and forevermore.
With your gift of Free Will, you may now choose the arrows of thoughts and feelings you sling into the future of time and space and beyond, creating your experience pathway to this grand eventuality. Earth and all upon her will be restored to God/Light/Love. The new Golden Age is not only real but it is inevitable.
Serving alongside you,
I am Archangel Michael
Mother/Father God via Kathryn E. May:
Dear Ones, life is moving at a breath-taking pace for many of you. Even when things are positive, it can be disconcerting to be moving at lightning speed through your days. The feeling you are having is real. Time has truly speeded up. It is so because when you approach a portal, all is compacted on both the entry and exit sides of the portal. You are approaching the portal to a higher dimensional existence. It has been constructed and is being guarded by your extraterrestrial Brothers and Sisters, in cooperation with your Earth Masters in preparation for the transition you will all be making when you accomplish the Ascension of all humankind.
Dear Ones, life is moving at a breath-taking pace for many of you. Even when things are positive, it can be disconcerting to be moving at lightning speed through your days. The feeling you are having is real. Time has truly speeded up. It is so because when you approach a portal, all is compacted on both the entry and exit sides of the portal. You are approaching the portal to a higher dimensional existence. It has been constructed and is being guarded by your extraterrestrial Brothers and Sisters, in cooperation with your Earth Masters in preparation for the transition you will all be making when you accomplish the Ascension of all humankind.
Kathryn has asked us a question about the plan for how the Ascension will be handled, and what options there will be for those who are not ready or willing to make the transition when the rest of you are ready. You, Earth Children, are in charge of the way this will be handled, not Us. We do give our approval to your plans when we see you have thoroughly thought them through and have the intention to create a Light-increasing plan which is in the Greater Good. It has been decided recently in your Council meetings that the Ascension process will go forward as originally foreseen - all together.
Let us describe what this means in practical terms. We do not wish to prevent anyone from ascending when they are ready, but it is a difficult and demanding course of personal development to reach the place where you are completely in command of your thoughts, feelings and actions, with Love and Light as the energy you breathe. This is the high level of vibration which has been reached by the Ascended Masters before they made the transition to higher dimensional states in body form. It was decided in your planning councils that you would prefer to ask for help from your Star Brothers and Sisters to allow greater numbers to ascend without the excessively rigorous training your predecessors have experienced.
We have agreed to this proposal. It will allow greater numbers of you, who have lived many lives in the very difficult atmosphere of Planet Earth, to ascend on the basis of the level of difficulty you have experienced here, even though you may not have quite reached the level of elevated consciousness of your teachers. We now have the additional technology of the very sophisticated Light chambers which can help you with raising your vibrational levels. We believe that those who have prepared themselves by learning to maintain a high level of Love/Light in your daily lives will be able to adapt to the rising energies of the chambers, and that you will be able to maintain that level once you have completed the training we have planned for you in preparation for the Light Chamber treatments.
For those of you who are conscious and aware of your former lives as advanced souls, the transition will be comfortable and pleasant. You will be "processed" through in the first wave, and will be able to return to help with the next phase of people who are ready, and they will do the same with those who come after them. So, you see, accomplishing this process together does not mean that you will all ascend on the same day. It does mean that it will be clear to everyone on the Planet that this is the project they are all taking part in. There will be intensive educational and personal development training for everyone, as much as is needed until every last soul has achieved the necessary vibrational level to accomplish their goal.
It will be a global effort, jointly carried out by the millions of galactic cousins, in cooperation with your own Ascended Masters, many of whom have been working among you in the recent last push toward the glorious goal of Ascension of Planet Earth. It will be possible for all to concentrate on the global effort because you will have already experienced the equalizing effect of the economic shift which will eliminate all reason to cheat, steal or use wealth as power. Because money will no longer be important (because of the abundance), people who previously worked 50 or 60 hours a week will be free to work on their own learning process and to join in community projects to help their neighbors.
Good will and mutual sharing will be the order of the day when the only needs that are important are met by simply cooperating with one another in the spirit of Love. Since there will be no competition for resources, because you will have unlimited power, clean water and air, the only real needs will be for food, and you will receive plenty of help creating a new agricultural system which will provide healthy abundance in an ecologically sustainable way. The fun will include the cultural banquet of arts, theatre, dance, music and literature which will no longer struggle for funding, but will be lavished with support and appreciation by the deprived population.
It is a wonderful plan, and a heroic life-affirming and hope-filled effort to create what We have dreamed in our fondest dreams. It is a brilliant plan too, in that it uses the power of the group to build excitement, enthusiasm and shared successes. It will create waves of excitement and celebration as each wave of Ascending students makes their glorious transition by renewing their bodies and elevating their hearts and then returning to the group like celebrity achievers who inspire those who follow closely on their heels. Family members will welcome their "graduated" loved ones in awe and genuine respect when they experience the Radiant Ones on their triumphant return, who come back to help their own in the spirit of Unconditional Love and Light.
You are well aware of the effect your educators call "peer pressure." This plan uses all the positive but none of the negative influences of the group to build positive participation and joyful cooperation. It carries with it all the glamour, excitement and crowd appeal of the Olympics, where everyone wins a gold medal in a round robin of ongoing training, until everyone becomes a winner. It is as if all the world is cheering their own team, and everyone belongs to the hometown team.
Giving a friend a leg up will be as natural as breathing when there is no attraction to crime or dominance over others, because there is nothing to win by doing so and no need for fear or suspicion of others. Cooperation and loving service to others is celebrated and rewarded by advancing in your soul development, which will be, for the first time, a process in full view of those "on the ground." Reaping your "Heavenly Reward" will no longer be a mysterious and far-off invisible process which takes place beyond your view or knowledge. It will be publicly celebrated, as it is in the higher dimensions.
The Earth is now preparing for entry into the most watched and admired event in the history of the Universe. It is an experiment in achieving the most desirable state imaginable for the largest number of people - a truly wondrous undertaking, and one which you will now see was well worth the careful planning and timing.
Do you understand now why it was so important to round up and remove the Dark Ones who would be incapable of taking part in the coming effort, because they are unable or unwilling to contribute to any positive, Light-filled event? Do you see why it has been so important for Lightworkers to clear away all the old resentments and shadows in preparation for this coming glorious work? You will all want to be in the first wave of Ascension so that you can return "with bells on" to be the inspiration for your fellow humans. Are you as excited and thrilled as We are by the prospect of seeing your friends and lovers in the visibly glowing form of radiant Ascended Masters?
Now, before you try to imagine what might go wrong with this plan, remember that the most brilliant hearts and minds in the Universe have worked thousands of years to anticipate every possible obstacle and have found a plan to conquer it. They are so sure of the success of the program that they are already celebrating.
We hope that you now have a better sense of the wondrous possibilities to come for all of you. We cannot possibly capture in words the exhilaration and excitement which fills the ships and the soaring hearts of your Galactic friends. You will be overwhelmed with joy when you discover how brilliant and loving they are, and how much they care for you.
We Love you with all our hearts, Your Mother/Father God
Via Kathryn May
There is more we can tell you about Ascension.
You have been trying to explain it to others. It's difficult, of course, to describe the 5th dimension and beyond when you're in 3D, but we'll try to help.
Picture a dark, starry night (like last night when you saw millions of stars, and they seemed so close to you). Now imagine a space ship made of light that can move between the stars and planets effortlessly. Each of those worlds is a unique entity, just as each human being on Planet Earth is unique - a special entity, separate and yet as connected to each other as the stars and planets are to each other. The star families - you call them galaxies - are like your human families, connected to one another by the kind of gravity that is their feeling for one another. Each planet and star is a conscious being, just as you are. The Universe itself is consciousness - a great web of inter-connected consciousness of which you and all your fellow humans are a part. The little dog on your lap and the fly on your window are also an integral part of the Universal Web.
The threads which connect your individual consciousnesses to each other is not visible to your 3Dimensional eyes, but it exists, nevertheless. Those among you who are considered "psychic" are simply the ones who have an open channel to pick up the information flowing across the Universal internet. Some pick up local information, like those who speak to the souls of loved ones who have remained within the Earth atmosphere, as the Long Island Medium does. There are others, like you, Kathryn, who have opened a long-distance connection to your Mother and Me, Ashtar and others, so that you can communicate with any of us on a 24/7 basis. We appreciate your volunteering to act as channels to help others prepare themselves for the coming Ascension, without asking for fame or fortune for yourselves.
Now, back to the information we promised. Picture your dear Mother Gaia, who has labored so unselfishly for millions of years to provide for all the souls who have benefitted from taking their turns as inhabitants of her beautiful planet-body. She is also a consciousness, connected to all other stars and planets, which have their own energetic grid, much like the one that connects all human beings. Mother Gaia, because of her heroic efforts to support difficult and destructive civilizations since the beginning of the Atlantean era, has elevated herself as a bright star, so to speak, among planets. Her necessary effort to heal wounds inflicted upon her by nuclear explosions, deep well drilling, and now the barbaric invasion you call "fracking" has caused her such extreme distress that she has asked to be freed of her terrible burden in order to ascend to a brighter place, a higher dimension, without inhabitants who will misuse her good will.
It would have been natural for her, given the pain she has suffered, to shake off the troublesome human inhabitants the way a dog shakes water off its back, and we would have understood it if she had, but she has an enormous heart and great love for her human Earth children. She feels the efforts of some of you to try to help her healing process - those of you who actively send your loving energy down throughthe layers of her soil and rock, directly to her heart. She recognizes your footsteps on her body, and she loves you dearly. She did not wish to cause pain and destruction to you, in the form of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and storms, which would have been the only way she could have stopped the destruction on her own. Instead, she called to us, in her pain, to help her find a way to allow her to ascend to a higher plane of existence, while inviting those Light beings among you to remain with her, to continue your soul evolution together.
Beings from all across the Multiverse have volunteered to help in so many ways it is impossible to innumerate them all. Solutions were proposed: Taking up those Light workers into fleets of space ships to be carried to other planets, and other such rescue missions, but we wanted to provide more than just a situation which would cause us to have to pick and choose who and how they could be saved. It is never our intention to reward or punish. We simply provide, and allow our children to decide for themselves of their own free will. And so, it was agreed in the Great Councils that we would establish the Council of Love, made up of your mother and me, Yahweh, whom you often refer to collectively as God, St. Germaine and Archangel Gabrielle, our son Jesus, many Ascended Masters, and of course our dear angel Ashtar, the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation Fleet. These titles, by the way, are not designed to be ego-builders. They are simply descriptions of the work assignments our helpers have taken on.
So, we have designed a plan which will allow for all of you to exercise your free will, and for Mother Gaia to elevate to the place of glorious light and Joy which she has so brilliantly achieved. She is now, this very day, ascending, little by little to give you all time to adapt, so that by the time she reaches the complete transition to the 5th and 7th dimension, you will be able to make the transition too.
The opportunity for you to ascend is open to each and every inhabitant of Planet Earth. Of course it is only the humans who will question whether this is practical, or profitable, or frightening or convenient to make such a shift. The other Kingdoms - all the creatures and plants - are happily ascending.
There will be ceremonies for some groups; others will move through the invisible boundary between 3rd and 5th (the 4th has already collapsed into the 3rd and 5th). your science fiction movies sometimes create special effects which make the air seem to ripple and flow like water. This is a symbolic representation of the sensations which will feel momentarily disconcerting, but joyfully exhilarating.
Most of you will remain with your houses and your familiar surrounding - those of you who who have made the transition with Mother Gaia. We cannot predict whether everyone on the planet will agree to transcend, or whether few will ascend in the first wave. The door to Heaven, as some would call it, is already open. Your immediate sensation will be the deep and profound feeling of being swept up in waves of unconditional Love.
You will be greeted by my angels, with their ethereal song, and other beings of Light whose joy at your arrival will be boundless. All the Heavens will rejoice at the momentous event - the Ascension of our brilliant Light children of Planet Earth.
You will be awed by the natural, unspoiled beauty of your Mother Gaia, who will be freed of all destructive invasions, automobiles and airplanes will be unnecessary because you will learn to teleport; food and sleep will become less and less necessary, as you acclimate, and the trivial activities of your lives - all those having to do with money or finance - will vanish. Wars and weapons of all kinds will cease to exist. You will continue to inhabit the body you have been accustomed to, although it will become more healthy and strong, healed of al disease or affliction. You will communicate as we do, by shared thought transmission. All activities involving learning, building, artistic creation and governance will be done in cooperation and joy on the New Earth.
For those of you who have volunteered to help the others who have chosen to stay behind, special straining and support will be provided to allow for your transition back to Old Earth, which is likely to be a rather unpleasant place, given its greater concentration of greed, violence and low vibrational atmosphere. Those reluctant or belligerent souls who insist on remaining behind will suffer a disorienting shake-up when they discover that most of the people who had been friendly, loving, kind and helpful have vanished, along with their calming influence and creative energy.
As you can see, those who elevate themselves to make the transition (in time measurement, by around the end of this year) will find themselves in Paradise. On the other hand, there may be those, we fear, who will refuse to be convinced to leave behind what they know, no matter how wonderful the alternative.
These souls will make their decision out of fear. Some will fear, because of their perverse religious teachings, that I am waiting in the wings to punish them for their destructive acts. Others will fear leaving behind their positions of power because they cannot trust their fellow humans not to take revenge on them as soon as they let down their guard, by giving up their weapons, whether their weapons be money or guns.
We are aware that in spite of the outpouring of love which we have planned for all of you, there will be those whose hearts are so closed that they can no longer feel love, or forgiveness, or compassion, and they cannot imagine others feeling it either. We have made provisions for them to remain on something that will feel to them (because they are very unobservant and lacking in sensitivity) as their Earth. Because they lack the ability or inclination to make deep emotional connections, they will care less about the loss of their family and friends than they do about their power or money. They will no doubt find it familiar to struggle and compete for the dwindling resources, as they have done in the past.
It will be difficult on this old Earth to sustain life in the way they have become used to, because many of the farmers, who have been close to the Earth and are likely to stay with New Earth in her ascension, will have disappeared. It will become imperative for the lingerers to try to force production of all kinds. Many of these now-powerful people and their Wannabe counterparts have been imprinted by their parents and their cultures to view life as a series of master-slave relationships. They may try to implement those forms of life in the "new" era, which they will see as opportunity because of the chaos which will result from the fall of many organizations which made life convenient and comfortable in the past. But this will not be the greatest deficit. This old Earth will be an empty shell, because the soul of Gaia will not remain there. Like the sleazy promoters who offer their followers everything and anything in order to win their votes in this current election in the U.S., the planet will be an empty shell - a replica of the living, breathing Mother who nourished and supported all without their recognition or gratitude. Her energy and her heart will be with her new creation, the lovely Blue Planet of Love.
These organizations we speak of which will not be sustained on Old Earth include the non-profit groups who have provided food and shelter for the poor, the animal shelters, and the arts organizations which have supported music, theatre and dance, and museums and centers of culture across the globe. The community-minded people who have run and supported these life-enhancing activities will be flourishing on the New Gaia. Other organizations which will fail are those whose reason for being was completely selfish, like financial institutions which siphon off money from the workers to support the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Without much of the willing workforce to feed them, the idle rich people, who have had great power in recent times, will lose their base of support. Perhaps those who will lose everything slowly, as the order and controls disintegrate around them, will awaken to the fact that their empty lives in pursuit of money and power have not been worth clinging to after all. It is our hope that their will be a Second Wave of souls who will ask to join us of their own free will, when they realize they do have the free will to make their circumstances better. We will welcome them with open arms, without recrimination, whenever they decide to ascend. No one will be turned away, once they find it in their hearts to experience unconditional love and joy.
Here is the dilemma: It may become very uncomfortable for those who remain behind. It will be tempting for them to plead for mercy or demand what they feel entitled to, without making the shift in their own hearts and minds. It will require an intensive reeducation for them to make the real change to a life of compassion and kindness. It is very fortunate for them that we have skilled and compassionate Lightworkers who are already preparing themselves, and who have already written the books and taught the lessons which will inspire and motivate. These Lightworkers will have the ability to descend to the 3D level to work with those recalcitrant souls to help bring them along with us on this greatest of all soul journeys. Many of you reading this are familiar with these dedicated souls who have worked tirelessly to present my message of unconditional love and forgiveness, like the book we wrote with your channel, Kathryn, to provide a manual for growing into Ascension. Explore this book. Read it thoroughly and well, and share it with everyone you can. It will prepare you for the transition ahead in a way that most other books cannot do as completely.
Kathryn is reluctant to present this message which "promotes" her book. She is not aware that we have given the same message to other channels to help get the word out that there is no time to waste, and there are tools available to help. We encourage people to use this book because of our own long years of involvement in its creation, which began many years ago with her own training and education, and the enlightenment of her mentor and teacher. So, you see, we have been preparing our dear Lightworkers for this event for lifetimes. They are our representatives - our boots on the ground, as they call themselves - and we are grateful for their dedication and courage to speak out when their message may be seen as weird or strange to those around them.
Listen to my words, my children. Awaken, open your hearts. It is time for all of you to take the High Road to a glorious place - life on New Earth, with your dear Mother Gaia. We will then become visible to you, those of us who have been preparing the way for this monumental event for eons. Your lights will mingle with ours in the glorious celebration of Love which we have planned for you. Prepare, Dear Ones, by learning to feel light-hearted, loving and joyful. Cultivate that energy state as a full-time way of experiencing life. It is your birthright as human beings to be filled with joy, for that is the essence you were made from, the essence of your Universal Mother Mary and me, your Father, Yahweh. You were created from love, with love. It is now time for you to exercise your free will to become like us, unconditionally loving, forgiving and above all, kind. Within weeks, it will become second nature to you, and by the approaching Winter Solstice, you will be fully developed beings of Light, beacons shining for all the Universe to see.
We will be with you. Lean on us. Ask for the angels who surround you to help you sustain your loving feelings, no matter what circumstances come your way. Do not allow yourselves to descend into fear or doubt. Instead, lead the way. Be an inspiration for your family and acquaintances and neighbors. Carry our message, and live in our love, from now on. You will have no regrets.
Your eternal Father, "Yahweh"
Via Kathryn E. May, www.WhoNeedsLight.org
If you wish to support Disciple John who done his truth/way/light-sharing for free for 8 years:
Paypal johnoflovelight@gmail. com
You can find Kathryn E. May's journal of 200 channeled messages in Disciple John's FB album:
https://www.facebook.com/jan. dudok/photos_albums
as well as the 24 Chapters of the New Scriptures of Jesus/Sananda.
Be in Peace, Be in Joy, Be in Love,
God's Will for you is Perfect Happiness,
DO His Will and BE Happy,
Love and Light,
Via Kathryn E. May, www.WhoNeedsLight.org
If you wish to support Disciple John who done his truth/way/light-sharing for free for 8 years:
Paypal johnoflovelight@gmail.
You can find Kathryn E. May's journal of 200 channeled messages in Disciple John's FB album:
as well as the 24 Chapters of the New Scriptures of Jesus/Sananda.
Be in Peace, Be in Joy, Be in Love,
God's Will for you is Perfect Happiness,
DO His Will and BE Happy,
Love and Light,
Channeled Messages Concerning "The Event" - Ascension | Disciple John
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/03/2021 10:53:00 PM