Sunday, July 18, 2021

What is the Lions Gate Portal? | Gigi Young

(Golden Age of Gaia)

July 17, 2021

I’ve been waiting for Gigi to do a short video to introduce her here if you’re not familiar with her work already. She typically does really long, live video lectures…and it takes me days sometimes to get through them. However, what she brings to the table is just astonishing.

The Lion’s Gate opens every year from July 26th – August 12th.

The Lions Gate portal is a multi-dimensional astrological alignment that joins our earth with the initiating energies of Sirius. To us, the star Sirius is a higher dimensional sun that informs our sun. In turn, our sun is a lower dimensional expression of Sirius. They work in tandem with one another, as part of a trinity of suns, to link our consciousness with the higher worlds.

When these stars align it imbues an incredible spiritual force upon humanity, in the New Age this is recognized as something called the ‘Lions Gate’, in Christianity this is called the time of Christ’s Transfiguration.