According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Moon will be in the water sign of Scorpio 7/19-7/20 and will be conjoining the south node and Juno. Still waters run deep. I took these 2 photos last night on my walk and wanted to share them with you today. We’re being asked to heal the past, release old resentments, and make a commitment to share our truth and risk being vulnerable with loved ones and colleagues.
Read more here:️
The Moon is also making a trine to the Sun and Mars in the water sign of Cancer. How can we stay focused and honor our need for unconditional love and compassion towards ourselves and others?
Can you allow your feelings to surface and be present for others if they need to do the same? Water is a fluid and intuitive element, and things can shift in a moment if we allow ourselves to be human and remember “feelings aren’t facts.”
With so much flooding going on globally, do you think the universe wants us to release these old pent up emotions and embrace the love and the light as we ascend towards 5D? Why don’t we all take steps towards this and see if the waters begin to recede?
What is your greatest challenge right now? Please share with us and let’s support each other using the planetary alignments to help guide us step by step.
What would bring you the greatest joy today, as well as bless the community with your gifts and talents?
The choice is yours, and I look forward to supporting you to manifest your dreams.
Let’s remember to have a grateful heart for our amazing blessings and give ourselves a huge hug for the tremendous progress we’re making each day.
The best is yet to come.
The Moon in Scorpio: Still Waters Run Deep | Ami Sattinger
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/20/2021 03:39:00 AM