Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Moon in Libra: The Practice of Unconditional Love and Compassion | Ami Sattinger

According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Moon will be in the air sign of Libra 7/17 - 7/18 and is making a trine to Mercury in the air sign of Gemini. It’s all about love, harmony, and balance in our relationships, and the desire to be inspired by some great music, a film, or an amazing art exhibit. Mercury in Gemini is always curious, and wants to know what’s going on with our tribe and on Mother Earth.

We have another couple of days of our soul lesson teaching us about accepting and integrating the different energies in the heavens, and how it’s impacting us personally. The Moon in Libra is making a square to Mars in the water sign of Cancer, and it’s challenging to share our truth and find constructive ways to release our frustration and anger, without projecting it onto our loved ones.

Now that I’m back at the gym dancing and working out almost every day, it’s really helped me to calm down and detach with love.

In addition the Moon is in a T- square where it is opposed to Uranus in the fire sign of Aries and square to Saturn in the earth sign of Capricorn. How can we find love and harmony, while we have the strong need to awaken our friends and community, and stand up to help eliminate the corruption that is still so pervasive in the world?

Unconditional love and compassion towards ourselves and others are the keys to help us elevate out of the 3D matrix, and ascend towards a bright new world of 5D, step by step. Let’s stay strong and united during these transformational times that we are living in.

When we can maintain a heart of gratitude and celebrate our amazing progress, we can create a joyful life one moment at a time.