Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Moon in Leo: Who do you Love? | Ami Sattinger

According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Moon will be in the fire sign of Leo and is making a trine to Uranus in the fire sign of Aries. The Moon represents our inner child and our deep subconscious need to feel acknowledged. Today that Leo Moon wants to be loved, feel the passion, and have some fun. And Uranus wants us to celebrate our freedom and self expression as sovereign beings.

It’s a childlike energy, and with the Sun making a sextile in the air sign of Gemini, our sense of humor is our guide. Turn up the music so you can dance, sing, watch a funny video, and redirect some of the stress into a new positive direction.

Neptune in the air sign of Aquarius is opposing the Moon. It’s asking us to balance our need for love and recognition, with our desire to connect spiritually with our tribe and find joy as we offer service together. Who is struggling that needs a hug or would enjoy some laughter today?

I am so grateful for your support of my Astrology articles. Please share your thoughts with us since we’re all in this great time of Transformation together.

Blessings and Love️