According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Moon will be in the fire sign of Aries conjoining Uranus 7/3 -7/4. It’s going to an exciting July 4 holiday, filled with love, passion, unexpected awareness, and freedom.
Our soul lesson continues through 7/4 with 2 new planets joining us for the finale. The powerful T-square in the heavens now has Venus and Mars in the water sign of Cancer opposing Saturn in the earth sign of Capricorn, and is squaring both the Moon and Uranus in the fire sign of Aries.
How can we integrate these very intense energies personally, and as a global community? It all starts with our intention and willingness to stay present. Breathing deeply, getting outside to connect with nature, exercise, and allowing these intense emotions to pass through us consciously. And staying connected to our tribe with love and hugs.
How can we balance our desire for freedom, romance, and spiritual awakening, with our need to feel safe and protected emotionally, and share our truth, without projecting onto our loved ones? And is there a way to incorporate our desire for success and financial stability with these strong and diverse energies?
We are multi dimensional beings with great richness and depth of soul and character. These planets are actors that represent different aspects of ourselves. Each one is calling out to be acknowledged. Whether it’s through music, dance, film, or celebrating with friends. We deserve to be seen and heard, by our true selves and by other kindred spirits.
The new era of GESARA globally and NESARA here in the US continues to unfold with a great deal of transition. Soon we will begin to witness the miracles of our new Republics, as we prepare for 1,000 years of peace and prosperity.
Let’s deepen our connection to our Divine Source through our hearts of gratitude for our many blessings, and celebrate our incredible progress!
The best is yet to come.
The Moon in Aries: Time to Love and Celebrate our Freedom | Ami Sattinger
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/03/2021 11:07:00 PM