By Steve Beckow, July 16, 2021
(Golden age of Gaia)
Theoretically I should not be writing.
I’ve just asked everyone in my life to give me a time-out because the inner impulse to meditate is undeniable. I’m going to burst apart at the seams if I don’t go into isolation.
Fair enough, but shouldn’t that include writing? No. It’s my mission to write about my experiences on the road to Ascension, this included.
I have control over writing. If I need to stop, I will, when the urge to meditate increases to a level where writing is no longer possible. This much I can manage.
So what’s happening? I reached a point last night where I couldn’t read one more email, one more submitted article, one more alt news story.
The urge to go inward was greater than anything else.
I have a “Nice Guy” act so I usually accept far more work than I can do. Like so many others, I have a hard time saying no.
Last night I thought I’d explode if I accepted one more assignment – right now.
But scrapping my Nice Guy act is just routine passage through a vasana (or core issue). I suspected that something deeper was happening than the mere erasure of a vasana.
What do I think is behind that in turn, tracing causality back? My guess is as good as yours but I think it’s related to an upgrade unpacking as I was told it would.
That process seemed to start on June 6, 2021 with the sudden onset of desirelessness. Then it became Stillpoint.
I’m leaving what comes next to management. I have my hands full being me.
What I don’t want to do is attach myself to writing. I don’t “have to” write and even that may need to be set aside.
Nevertheless, blow-by-blow is good because I can forget even spiritual experiences a short time after. Without writing it down, all this would probably be lost.
I know I need to respond to this felt need, without requiring any further reminders. I apologize for any inconvenience while the monk is in his cell.
The Monk is in his Cell | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/16/2021 11:21:00 AM