(Golden Age of Gaia)
July 6, 2021, shantagabriel.com
Dear Ones,
Courage is the power that backs up the Love in your heart. Courage is the active, expanding field of Light that supports you. Courage is what you need to share your gifts with the world.
Providing the ways and means to act from your heart is fertilizing the field of your dreams. You have all the talent, skills, desires, love, freedom and direction that you need to express your creativity – now all you need is Courage. Have the Courage you need to stand in your truth and respond from a loving heart. There is only one thing that is holding you back from pure Soul expression, it is the light of Courage.
Courage is Soul Inspired. It is not brute force, or over-active masculine forward movement, it is the gentle nudge of your Spirit, complete with a sense of Wholeness that creates the receptivity to bring Courage into the field that propels you in the world.
Even if you are on the brink of retiring from the worldly activities that have consumed you for so long, you need Courage to act. When you have the light of Courage working in you, there is more discipline for your actions. You will intuit when to gracefully say no to distractions and follow your heart’s calling.
Courage remembers who you truly are in your spirit. It is a heart activity that can support you at a fundamental level when you most need it. With the field of Courage constantly renewing in your heart, you will have a sense of expansion and the willingness to follow the promptings of your heart.
When you call forth Courage, you begin to believe in yourself at deeper levels. You begin to recognize and honor the gifts you came to express. Courage is the quiet warrior of your heart. You know that you can stand true to yourself unwavering in your sense of Truth, knowing who you are and being willing to step out in Faith.
With Courage you feel supported and can allow your heart to blossom and open to the new. Abundant opportunities masquerade as the Great Unknown. With Courage you tweak your perceptions and recognize your willingness to explore beyond your boundaries. Your child-like curiosity expands when you have Courage.
How do you bring more Courage into your heart, your mind and the life you are living? Simply ask, silly as that may sound. There are legions of angels wanting to support you in fulfilling your Soul’s mission. The Universe has beneficent forces that can be harnessed to support your actions. Trust that Courage is there for you. Life has your back.
Consider a magnificent 16-pointed Star radiating in the Rainbow Light of Courage above your head. This dynamic shape has great power. Notice its pulsing radiance. Let it expand until its field of Light becomes you. Your Light Body expands to your imagination – so make it brilliant and strong.
Receive this Star of Light into your field to light up your Soul’s star and empower your guidance with Courage. Allow this star to light up your mind, flow it downward and let your throat receive the courageous encouragement you need to speak your Truth. Let the Star of Courage anchor in your heart. Let its radiance expand your heart’s field on all sides of you. As you expand your energy field with the Light of Courage, you know that with each beat of your heart, your blood carries Courage into every cell of your body. This Courage is tempered by the loving kindness your heart holds so beautifully.
Now allow the light of loving Courage to anchor into the Earth below you lighting the lower chakras and creating a powerful foundation of Courage to live from. You are fully supported by the benevolent forces of God’s love. You have all you need to re-pattern your life with the strength and courage that sparks your creativity. You have all the Love that you can allow yourself to receive in order to grow into who you truly are as a radiant child of the loving universal presence of Courage.
The Light is strong. It can fulfill you. You are a gift to the world. You are cared for and supported. All that you need is here for you now. You are a courageous soul of heart-centered action, and it is good. All of Life rejoices in your choices to allow Courage to express through your heart into the world. And so it is.
The Courage to Share your Gifts | Archangel Raphael via Shanta Gabriel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/08/2021 11:55:00 PM