July 20, 2021
Greetings My Cherished Children,
I am Supreme Father, Father of all Fathers, God, Creator and etc. I was creating Civilizations, Planets, Stars, and Universes for billions of years. The day arrived, when I decided that it’s time to let someone else to take my place, and do my demanding work of creation.
I trained and shared all of my wisdom and untold stories about the Cosmos to my successor Prime Creator, who now took over and uses Universal Consciousness without limitations in the creation of new worlds.
I have been watching and observing humankind for a long time, until I decided to speak through the Universal Channel. This my first time speaking to the Earth inhabitants. I send Prime Creator to talk regularly to all of you. I see that many of you are lost and confused, as the information is coming from reliable and unreliable sources. You need to use your own discernment in selecting what is the truth.
Father, the Prime Creator explained about the whole Ascension Process in one of his earliest messages about the five stages of it. My preference was to let naturally happen the expansion in the human consciousness. I asked Prime Creator to step in to change the flow of energies and timelines, as the evolution of humanity has been going in a very slow pace. The higher energies are coming nonstop to Mother Earth, and the time is moving much faster now.
You are also Creators, you forgot that you are a Divine Soul by living in this simulation of duality. Your purpose here is to save this planet from the Darkness, to experience and enjoy your life in these bodies to the fullest. The physical bodies you have with DNA flaws and your memories got erased. Everything is changing now as we speak, I am stepping in order to help as the Supreme Father to move the course of Ascension to a much higher level.
Unfortunately, some souls already left and continue to leave as their time is up. They are leaving due to their physical and spiritual limitations. I want to remind to all of you, there is no limit for a Divine Being, you can be in any form you want and create anything your soul desires.
This suppressed and false reality made many of you to give up the hope for a better life and made you feel helpless. The strength is within your soul, open yourself to all of the possibilities and probabilities. Nothing and nobody can’t stop the growth of the Divine Soul. You connect to the Universal Consciousness by being silent in your meditations, and then you become One with Everyone.
The process of Ascension can be accelerated only by continuous meditations and giving up the eating of flesh. Now, humanity must stay focused on their development, because your window of opportunity is shrinking, Mother Gaia already ascended in 2020. She is still waiting for you to catch up with her and move to 5D.
Right now, the alignment for the full Ascension is absolutely perfect. The configurations of the timelines, the cleansing of the planet and the vibrations are very high at this moment. Please, don’t miss this opportunity to move to a higher dimension, as the time portal is going to stay open only for a specific time. Be the first ones from humanity to ascend, then you can help others to follow you.
The spiritual work needs to be number one on your daily list. Start living your life full of love and let go of anger, resentment and other negative emotions. The time is now to shine, and take the next step by trusting the endless Divine Consciousness, which will always guide you through difficult situations.
Share your Love and Light with everyone you meet on your journey. I am Supreme Father sending my Love and Blessings to each of you. Thank you.
Supreme Father
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Supreme Father via Erena Velazquez | July 20, 2021
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/20/2021 10:58:00 AM