By Catherine Viel, July 4, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
July 3, 2021
There is a house in me. It is empty. I empty it.
Negative space: the only native emptiness there is.
~Diana Khoi Nguyen, An Empty House Is a Debt
I’ve always been afraid of emptiness. No wonder I never learned to meditate.

All my life, I’ve been subject to one addiction or another, which I used to ward off any sort of emptiness at all. I called them by different names. Compulsion. Obsession.
I use the word “subject“ deliberately. Being subject to something means giving one’s authority and power to it. Very far from a sovereign state of being, isn’t it?
I literally don’t remember a time in my six-some decades when I wasn’t obsessed, on a conscious or subconscious level, about something. It stands to reason that if that default mode suddenly vanishes, I would be left in a state of emptiness.
I didn’t realize how completely (albeit stealthily) this obsessiveness filled me from skin to skin, and in my ignorance, wasn’t prepared for the sensation of its absence.
Especially since I had no idea it was leaving.
Tranquility is another word for what I’m experiencing now. Also, peace.

No particular desire to hop up and take care of some niggling chore. No craving for chocolate-butterscotch caramel candy.
Those potential distractions are there, but they aren’t exerting a force-ten magnetic pull on me to pay attention to them now.
So this is what it’s like to sit and stare into space and simply be. I’ve even noticed that I’ll be sitting there with my mouth slightly open. Slack-jawed with relaxation. Eyes unfocused. Not really thinking about anything, not worried, not wanting to be or do anything but what I am right that moment. No tension.
I feel as if a spring that has been tightly wound and that gripped my entire body has been released, and there is nothing rushing in to take the place of that perpetual level of torque.
The alarm clock has wound down and no longer ticks its important staccato of time. Nobody wants to wind it up again. Certainly not I.

The first day that I felt this lack of inner pressure to do much of anything, the thought drifted by that perhaps this is a bit what 5D is like. Tranquility and acceptance that everything is just fine as it is.
I could attribute this seismic shift to dipping my toes into 5D, or the rising planetary energies, or my willingness to accept those magical downloads and upgrades into my energy fields.
Or maybe it’s just that years of inner work have reached a saturation point and I slid almost unnoticeably into this new state, whatever it is.

I could attribute it to a number of things, but by process of elimination I landed on the Emotion Code work I did with practitioner Barbara on Wednesday, since I woke up into this new state on Thursday and that was the only thing that I had done differently. (1)
We released several inherited emotions on Wednesday. These were trapped not by me but by previous generations and passed down to me, unintentionally of course, by my ancestral line, i.e., Mom and Dad and on back through the generations.
I think the loveliest thing about releasing inherited trapped emotions is that they can be released simultaneously from all related souls who are ready to let them go.
I could almost hear the cheering section when we did this work. Humbling and gratifying.

I’ve always thought emptiness, having no particular problem or worry to pull from the deck of life cards, would be a bit frightening. Certainly boring. What would I be, if my mind is not thumbing through this deck of cards, looking for a troubling situation to pull out for consideration?
I’ve never had the opportunity to find out what the emotionally unencumbered “me” would be like. With an inherited trapped emotion, it’s where the subconscious almost instantly goes when an unexpected situation arises. Here, says the subconscious. Let me help you. Grab onto this. Since trapped emotions are negative, we end up with panic, worry, fear, or any number of less-than-desirable tools from our emotional toolkit coming to the “rescue.”
There’s no volition. An atavistic grasping at the familiar emotional coping takes over, and there doesn’t seem to be anything that can prevent this automatic response from the subconscious.
The only prevention appears to be removal, which takes that particular instance of that emotion out of the subconscious’ arsenal. (There are likely more instances of that emotion trapped within us, but that particular one has been vaporized and won’t return.) We excise the negative trapped emotion as neatly as a brain surgeon removing that pesky, mostly benign, tumor.

I have no doubt that more trapped emotions, both inherited and from my own life experience, await release. Most of us hold quite a few trapped emotions twined within our bodies; we aren’t consciously aware of them. These negative emotions interfere with our lives in endless and nearly unfathomable ways.
Completely daunting if one is looking for an instant fix.
Or simply another process of the unfolding and expansion we humans are traveling through this very moment.
The body and subconscious and soul of this human self of mine have the integrated wisdom to present the specific trapped emotions, in the most beneficent order, that I need to have released at any given time. Spirit guides this show.
I don’t need to contemplate or worry. I just know this is so.
Peace can, indeed, be mine.

(1) For more information see Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code
Sliding Into Emptiness | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/04/2021 01:24:00 PM