By Steve Beckow, July 3, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Download a copy of our new booklet, Extraordinary Love, here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Extraordinary-Love.pdf”.
When you right-click on the URL, the booklet automatically downloads. I’m currently at work on a much larger version.
Why do I live in anticipation of something rather than in appreciation of what is?
Just try on those two spaces. I actually don’t want to experience anticipation again before I finish experiencing appreciation because I’m enjoying the latter so much.
I notice that experiencing appreciation makes me an open channel, through which love can flow. My heart is still open a crack and the love that arises is nourishing.
I feel like a child for saying this. It must be obvious to everyone else, but expressing appreciation allows me to love another in a socially-acceptable way. Any way of expressing love is welcome. Love must flow and I experience it as it passes through me on its way to the world. So having a way to express it has more value to me than you might guess.
OK, let me switch to anticipation. Oh gawd, right away I feel depressed. I’m in the middle of World Wait III. Or is it Word War III? Switching into anticipation mode has me feel depressed, sad, powerless. Eeeek! I’m going to throw a Sooooooon grenade at you! Your intel guru sucks. How long have we been at this?
We are the generation who has specialized in waiting and yet has still carried on in whatever felt like service.
Wow. Let me ditch anticipation.
But when I switch to appreciation … oh my heavens, it’s an altogether different picture. Immediately the love begins to rise in my heart.
As an aside, this is a good example of how we ordinarily make so little karmic progress in any one lifetime. Seventy-four years of age and I’m only now appreciating appreciation? What? Have I been dawdling? Where have I been?
Well, as you well know, I’ve been hanging out on the negative side of life, wondering how I could revenge myself on my erstwhile-violent father. I’ve only been on the positive side of the ledger for maybe the last two years.
So, yes, I’m only now taking baby steps in areas like trust, forgiveness, togetherness, agreement, etc. So, yep, I haven’t really tried on appreciation and given it a test run until this very moment.
It offers me a way to express love, I see. And that is incredibly valuable and welcome. I like this. I’ll take it.
Next divine state.
You’re welcome to download a copy of our new booklet, Extraordinary Love, here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Extraordinary-Love.pdf”.
When you right-click on the URL, the booklet automatically downloads. I’m currently at work on a much larger version.
Next Divine State | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/03/2021 11:27:00 AM