(Golden Age of Gaia)
This day I bring you my Violet Blaze… it is time to light this collective on fire… on fire with inspiration, on fire with intention, intuition, and action.
Greetings, I AM St. Germaine; Master and Keeper of the I AM; Master and Keeper of the Violet Flame; brother, and ally, friend of your heart, of your journey, of your life. And I welcome you this day and every day.
And I begin what I say and talk to you this day by saying and expressing my admiration for each and every one of you. You have heard me say that I will not return to this planet, this beautiful planet, Gaia, because it is far too challenging, so injurious, so painful, so, so, so much. But that I will return when peace and harmony blossom like the lavender fields.
So, I begin what I say and discuss with you this day by reminding you… of course there are times when you feel soul-weary, soul exhausted, even might I say, disenchanted. And you wonder… Where is the promise of Nova Earth? Where is my tribe of Nova Beings? Well, sweet angels of light, they are right here with you, and they are on your street, and in your cities, and they are inhabiting the Cities of Light and the institutions of love. See the signs of opening and encouragement that are hallmarking the Mother’s New Time, the Mother’s New Normal.
Now, simply because I am not walking the Earth, that does not mean that I am not present with you. In many ways, it is far more useful, far more helpful for me to be in this realm where I can move in seen and unseen ways, and multiple ways, and literally cover the planet. And you would say to me, “Well, St. Germaine, how exactly are you doing that?”
Today, my dearest, oldest friends who have been with me through thick and thin, and in the Temple of the Violet Flame in Atlantis, you have long since been initiated. And I have ignited the flame in your heart, in your third eye, in your hands, in your fingers, in your being. And sometimes you forget this, and sometimes you use it to powerful, mighty effect…so, I thank you. And you have lit your torch, and you have written in the air… LOVE… and you have written it in the waters. Write it in the soil; write it over your projects, use my torch.
But this day I bring you my Violet Blaze. It’s not the bonfire. It most certainly is not the embers. Remember child, sister, brother, one, when I have welcomed and initiated you into my Temple of the Violet Flame, and you have ignited, and you have incinerated, and you have risen from the ashes like the phoenix, and you have flown free like the phoenix. This is the Violet Blaze, and it is time to light this collective on fire… on fire with inspiration, on fire with intention, intuition, and action.
So often, in the world that you did inhabit, and certainly in the world that I have inhabited before, there has been this plea for help, and it has always come as I come to you this day. But there has also been this subtle attitude of needing help and rescue. There is a long and very ugly history on this planet of control, abuse, ego, slavery. My dream, and yours, of freedom, and sovereignty, and equality has not come yet to pass for the entire collective. And that is what Nova Earth is, and now is the time when so many are reaching, and asking, and hoping.
But the answer is not doing it ‘for’. Oh, there are times when I urge you, I guide you, I beg you to help one another, and this is what I am talking about. But when you consistently do for another, rather [than] empower them… yes, your expression ‘teach them to fish’… then what are you really doing? What you are really doing is saying… I don’t really think you have the capacity, the strength, the wisdom, the abilities that I have, so, I will do it for you.
Now, of course, you are doing it for others who are lying on the ground bleeding. But what about the neighbor, the son, the daughter, the collective that is ready? And beloved one, they are ready! And who are the igniters? Do you think that your star brothers and sisters are coming to save you? That is not the relationship they want. Do you think the Company of Heaven? Yes, they stand to assist but they also stand back, as we all do, in honoring and amazement of your I AM.
It is your job to empower. It is your promise to ignite. And let me tell you, it is your joy. It is your sense of awe and wonder to set humanity ablaze in ways that restore, reconstitute, elevate. To burn away the false memories, to burn away the ancient history of abuse, and to reveal the brilliance of the individual, of the community, and the collective.
So, how do I cover the Earth? I do so with my blaze, and I give this to you… because you are ready. Heaven does know that you have waited long enough. So, be your phoenix self, be your fire-breathing dragon self, and not only declare but begin. And we will be your servants, your retinue, your protectors, your defenders. We will guide you, and we will stand back in violet awe.
Take this blaze. I don’t say use it wisely, I trust you too much. I say use it, and I will be standing next to you. Let us ignite your inner and outer Nova Gaian.
Go with my love and go sweet angels, sweet humans, sweet Gaians in peace. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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My Gift to you | St. Germaine via Linda Dillon
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/21/2021 10:34:00 AM