Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Message from your Hostess of Light | July 2021


July 2021

From Your Hostess of Light

We are all feeling pushed and pulled in a million directions as we enter the Mad-hatter energy of July that seems to guide us around and around like a rip tide in a hula hoop. We ask ourselves are we running early or late? What day is it in this place? What dimension are we in this month? We all stand head to head heart to heart and toe to toe, with every inch of our self, knocking on the ‘door’ of the sacred room within. All events begin and end in this corridor of time, pay attention to what seeks your approval, whether wind or tide, tree or animal. What is illusion and what is real? All blends of self-emulsify to create a new element for the periodic table. It is time to stop expecting the predictable and embrace what we have not even imagined.

This evolutionary month of July offers us an opportunity to see with the eyes of a bee in a hall of mirrors looking thru a million different perspectives and patterns, seeing in-between time and circumstance. We are asked to go below the see-level of emotions into the underlying sharp coral reefs that are labeled fragile and in need of repair. We try so hard not to feel, to block what hurts, we buffer it anyway we can. Eventually it all comes full circle and one comes face to face with that which they ran away from. The she-crab comes out of her-self long enough to carry her shell to a new place of seeing and feeling